HELP!! Lightpipe problem


Farce of Nature
I just purchased an RME Digi9636 which has ADAT lightpipe capability. I was able to send 8 ADAT tracks to the pc with no problems. However, I can't seem to do the reverse: digitally transfer the same audio from the pc to the ADAT XT. I select the device in the software to output the signal, connect the optical cable, switch the input on the ADAT to "digital", enable the tracks and nothing happens. I looked in Device Manager and the card shows it is operating ok.

My only guess in pouring through the manuals is the possibility that the ADAT is looking for a clock to sync to. Is this correct? Do I need to connect the 9 pin D type connector to the ADAT and the sync output on the Digi9636?

If so, then that creates another problem: Both the audio card and the ADAT require a male 9 pin D type cable, and RME supplied me with a cable that is female on one end and male on the other. Will any male to male connector work?

Thanks in advance,

You should be able to get back with 'digi-input selected, but might need to also set the 'clock source' to digital. Not sure the names are the same. My setup was a Fostex RD8 as adat master, which used 'word-opt' clock setting. The second adat used the 9-pin (for 16 track transfers), but I never needed the sync cable to the sound card.
A silly thought- are you seeing the light from the sending pipe?
Dig. input must be selected - and of course, you have to have the lightpipe physically connected both ways out --> in / in --> out.

Also, it is a good idea to use the sync if you're interested in sample accurate, sync'd transfers to/from the ADAT to the computer. (ie, you want the time on the computer to match the time on the ADAT)
Thanks for the responses.

Both the clock source and the input are set to digital, and I had two lightpipe cords connected-one from the pc to the adat and the other from the adat to the pc as Blue Bear stated.

Turns out I am having the exact same problem with the s/pdif: it records fine but does not playback.

Could be a technical problem, so I sent an email to the manufacturer. I just wanted to make sure I was doing everything correctly.

