Help! Is There A Way To


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Listen to the vocal track AT THE SAME TIME as the instruments....and play with your VOCAL effects (only), real time.....while hearing it WITH the beat?

i currently have to apply stuff.........go listen to see if it works....go back....apply.....listen w/beat...see if it works.

it would be a lot easier to listen to the vocals WITH the beat, WHILE adjusting vocal effects. HEEELP!!!
If both tracks have been recorded, then it's simply a matter of assigning the outputs so each track is routed to your monitoring setup. On the left hand side of the tracks in Multi-Track View are buttons marked "In" and "Out". Right click on the "Out" to call up a menu of available outputs to assign that track to.

What version of Audition are you using? In the later versions you can select "FX" in Multi-Track View and that allows you to tinker with effects while the tracks are running; selecting "EQ" allows you to mess with, guess what!: EQ.
If both tracks have been recorded, then it's simply a matter of assigning the outputs so each track is routed to your monitoring setup. On the left hand side of the tracks in Multi-Track View are buttons marked "In" and "Out". Right click on the "Out" to call up a menu of available outputs to assign that track to.

What version of Audition are you using? In the later versions you can select "FX" in Multi-Track View and that allows you to tinker with effects while the tracks are running; selecting "EQ" allows you to mess with, guess what!: EQ.

i'm using cool edit pro..........i need what you just said in more lamens terms too, i'm a novice trying to learn as i go from people like you who are cool about it.
Cool Edit Pro works the same way as Audition (through 1.5, anyway) in assigning Ins and Outs, but I think you can only vary the Pan and Volume in Multi-Track View (it's been a while since I used CEP). That means you have to process the effects for the vocal track in Edit View and then go back and listen. If you don't like it, shift back to Edit View (F12 toggles back and forth) until you get it the way you want it.

Otherwise you need to upgrade. Syntrillium developed Cool Edit Pro, then sold to Adobe, who renamed it Audition. Syntrillium is long gone, so there's no support unless you upgrade to Audition.

Here's a link to the online CEP 2.0 manual:

There is also a forum devoted to all versions at Adobe:!username=John Weigel

AudioMasters has a lot of expertise:

and finally, AudioForums:

I'd suggest you check those out and look at the thread subjects. It'll get you started.
Cool Edit Pro works the same way as Audition (through 1.5, anyway) in assigning Ins and Outs, but I think you can only vary the Pan and Volume in Multi-Track View (it's been a while since I used CEP). That means you have to process the effects for the vocal track in Edit View and then go back and listen. If you don't like it, shift back to Edit View (F12 toggles back and forth) until you get it the way you want it.

Otherwise you need to upgrade. Syntrillium developed Cool Edit Pro, then sold to Adobe, who renamed it Audition. Syntrillium is long gone, so there's no support unless you upgrade to Audition.

Here's a link to the online CEP 2.0 manual:

There is also a forum devoted to all versions at Adobe:!username=John Weigel

AudioMasters has a lot of expertise:

and finally, AudioForums:

I'd suggest you check those out and look at the thread subjects. It'll get you started.

so with CEP 2.0 its impossible? major disappointment!
It can't be too big a disappointment if you got the software for free.

Now who said that was the case :confused: lol.

I honestly dislike it doing it the way I do now, it's way less efficient to "try" a vocal effect, go back to see how it sounds over the beats, "try" another, go back, etc..etc....

It would be much simpler to be able to adjust the vocal effects real-time as the beat and vocals are playing in harmony.
Now who said that was the case :confused: lol.

Well, if you're just now learning on a software release that's several years old, that is the obvious conclusion.

The fact is, we all expect instant gratification because it's computer-based. It's still a lot better than the "good ol' analog" days everybody sheds tears over, when you needed thousands of dollars of gear to what the software does for you now. Cool Edit Pro is a versatile program and takes up a small footprint on the hard drive, but it won't do everything for you.

There are other software programs that will do what you want, but they are not as readily available as CEP 2.0. So you pays yer money (or not, as the case may be) and takes yer choice. I came up on tape, so it's no stretch at all to process a vocal (or whatever) track, then play it back and either keep it or undo it. And how damn long does it take, anyway? A couple of minutes spent to apply a reverb or EQ in Edit View, then bounce to Multi-Track View and find out if you like it, is not particularly burdensome. You don't even have to rewind!

The only time I find "real-time" processing necessary is when I'm mixing multiple tracks and trying (for example) to get a harmony vocal to fit in the mix.

Your mileage may vary, and you get what you pay for.