Help increasing inputs


New member
I've been looking to expand my available inputs in my home recording set up. Right now I'm working with a m-audio firewire 410 interface, and albeton live (don't really like it but it's what i have) with the intention to upgrade to ProTools m-powered or Logic Studio (prob protools despite its handicapping exclusiveness) in the next 6 months or so. I'm thinking I want to route through the 410 via the adat lightpipe or spdif inputs (especially if I end up using protools). I want to find an 8 channel converter and I need it to have pre-amps since I cant afford to buy separate pre-amps for all my channels. I've been looking at three different interfaces right now. The m-audio octane, the motu 8pre, and the presonus digimax FE, the 8pre interests me because i could eventually purchase another to daisy chain together for 16 channels but thats only if i use logic with it instead of protools. Anyway I'm rambling now. Basically I want to get the best preamps for my money while still getting 8 channels of ada conversion. If anyone can help me pick one of these or can suggest something else that would be awesome. -Aaron
Well, if you get the M-Audio Octane, you still need another interface to your PC, that has and ADAT input. I would look at something like the M-Audio 1814. It has 8 analog inputs, plus the ability to take 8 more channels of ADAT in (from an octane for example)
Well, if you get the M-Audio Octane, you still need another interface to your PC, that has and ADAT input. I would look at something like the M-Audio 1814. It has 8 analog inputs, plus the ability to take 8 more channels of ADAT in (from an octane for example)

yeah my my firewire 410 has both spdif i/o and adat i/o so I can route the octane into the 410 and the go from there