Help! I can't get my new Delta 10/10LT to work


New member
I just received my new M Audio Delta 10/10LT PCI card. But its own software can’t locate the card.

I’m running Windows 2000 on a PIII 800MHz with 1024MB of RAM.

I just downloaded the latest drivers and that didn’t work. I have reinstalled many times, each time uninstalling the drivers and putting the card in a different PCI slot.

Windows says (in Device Manager) that the card is working correctly but I beg to differ.

I just sent an email to their support but I’m anxious to start using it. Any suggestions?
Sometimes m-audio card installation can be a bitch.
1. You need to use the uninstaller to remove drivers. also check your registry and remove anything related to m-audio.
2. Uninstall the card from device manager.
3. Reboot
4. Install only the updated drivers from website.
Stealthtech said:
Sometimes m-audio card installation can be a bitch.
1. You need to use the uninstaller to remove drivers. also check your registry and remove anything related to m-audio.
2. Uninstall the card from device manager.
3. Reboot
4. Install only the updated drivers from website.

Thanks for the tips.

I got it solved. I called M Audio Tech support. The problem was in the registry exactly as you suggested. They have a program called MidiFix. It removes all remnants of my older M Audio card. The procedure to fix it was:

1. Download the 2nd latest driver 27 (not 29) and MidiFix program.
2. Use Unistaller to remove device.
3. Shut down computer and remove card.
4. Start computer and run uninstaller again and then MidiFix.
5. Shut down computer and reinstall card.
6. Use driver version 27 during Device Install Wizard.
