Help for a booth Rick Fitzpatrick and guys plz??? :)


New member
Hey Rick and guys... I saw your postings on the thread "instead of a booth?" and I really like enjoyed your postings and suggestions, and I hoped you could help me out in here to insulate my booth for recording vocals, I would appreciate it a lot!
I have a closet that I'm trying to convert into a recording booth for just vocals... the measurements of the closet are 5' length x 5' width x 9' height... and I think that the walls are sheet rock...
The door is located on the middle and on the left side I have a rack with my clothes hanging... what can I do insulate the room and get a clean sound? I already bought 4 - 4'x2' insulation auralex sheets from guitar center...

I would really appreciate your help a lot guys!

5 x 5 with 9 ft ceilings isn't a bad size. Although I'm pretty sure being a square is a bad thing. The auralex is helpful but you are going to want broadband absorption and bass trapping. If you are looking to isolate or "soundproof" this closet good luck. That is very difficult and very expensive. If you aren't looking for isolation and just want some good treatment for recording vocals do a search for vocal booth, bass traps, D.I.Y. acoustic treatment and do some reading. Some people will also say treat the larger room, put the noisy computer and gear in the closet. Track with headphones. That's another option.

You have some reading to do. Come back with specific questions and you'll get plenty of good info.

Good luck!:D
Thanks a lot Yonce and Myriad ;)
Yonce, my bad guys, I misposted and what I meant is a good treatment for recording vocals and not room isolation hehe... really not concerned about the noise going out hehe...
I hope u can help me :D

I will keep on reading too, but if u could help me for that specific size of the room... I'm a noob :(

Thanks a lot again guys,

Clothing is actually a great absorber and cheap (assuming you already have it). Your lowest mode in there will be at approximately 60 Hz, so really low frequency absorption won't be an issue, but you will want to make sure that the walls nearest the mic (whether they be side or floor or whatever) will need absorption more because those will relate to lower order reflections which typically contain more energy. 5x5 goes quick when you have clothes in there, though.
Thanks a lot guys... I am actually almost done working with the closet, I built 4 2'x4' acoustic panels with OC703 and folded with cotton cloth. which I used to put on the side walls, on the front where the mic goes I used auralex foam and behind where the door is as well... what do you guys think?
