Help - does this rock or suck?


Hello all

Im fairly new to songwriting and recording and ive written this one, called Not Easy.

please ignore the dodgy strings section lol as i was just playing with it to see if it'd work before I get round to re-arranging and recording the whole lot

Im looking for criticism on any thing really. i reckon it could work, but im biased
Mainly though, im trying to get an idea of:
1) the singing. should i get a singer, lessons myself, or what?
2) the structure/arrangement. is it lacking energy or anything?
3) the mixing. whilst its not finished yet, i had a good crack at mixing as well as i could

any thoughts, good or bad would be appreciated (dont hold back on the bad stuff, ill never learn otherwise...!)


USED: Logic Pro 6, Zoom drum machine+FX, Yamaha prs290 keyboard, Gibson Les Paul, Washburn acoustic, Rode NT 1 mic, apple powerbook G4, Novation speedio audio/midi interface
some ideas

I think you need crispier acoustic guitarrs (more top)
Youre singing is fine, Just ceep singing and it will be even better. Try to listen carefully to singers you like and try to find out why you like them. Now, dont copy them but you will get ideas on how to imprive your singing.
I dont know if the gúitarrs (electric chorus) play the same figure if they do, try to get them tight if they dont try to separate them, maby by paning or use different sounds or eq.
The drums need some work, i assume they are programmed. Listen to livedrums and copy the way they are playd.
Take it down after the first chorus or you will have nothing left for the second.
This one can be really good, dont cave in.

Ok man, now it´s your turn to listen to my stuff and tell me what you think.


Good song, singing sounded fine, liked the solo.

Get rid of that drum machine. for the the music your doing it will never give you the sound you want. I may sound harsh but I speak from experience. i've still got my zoom rhythm track 234. Which used to use, and got quite good at but ultimatley it always sounded like a drum machine. I use drums on demand I wont post a link in case i get moaned at for spamming. But if you type it into google you'll find 'em. I'm nothing whatsoever to do with their company other than a really satisfied customer (just ordered vol3). I'll let you see for yourself but all I'll say is if your using a computer DAW their beautifly easy to use and cheaper than a drum machine. Honestly they have done wonders for my music

Johnny mac
First off - nice job!

I thought the vocals wre just a bit too loud, and the elec guitar is a little low. Also, I think the drum machine needs to go as well.

100% agree with everyone about the drum machines, and seriously taking all the other comments on board....ive started making changes already that i never even noticed before...
so, without a proper drummer, and a tight budget, would anyone recommend a decent way of getting a good drum sound? i have 'ritmo' and all the normal stuff that comes with logic pro 6 (sampling wise, etc). anyone get any good drums out of just these? hate to change the subject elses thoughts on this tune would be appreciated

cheers all
100% agree with everyone about the drum machines, and seriously taking all the other comments on board....ive started making changes already that i never even noticed before...
so, without a proper drummer, and a tight budget, would anyone recommend a decent way of getting a good drum sound? i have 'ritmo' and all the normal stuff that comes with logic pro 6 (sampling wise, etc). anyone get any good drums out of just these? hate to change the subject elses thoughts on this tune would be appreciated

cheers all
Live drums

Nothing beats a good drummer but, you can come quite close with programing, closer than you are today anyway =)
Im no programing guru but, some of my songs where i whant it to sound like livedrums i think are ok.
I often find it helpful to "airdrum" while programing.

I hope you look silly to while trying.

haha but my air guitars take up too much space to get air drums in too :D

seriously, i think my problem has been laziness and have prob got so used to programmed drums that i dont notice how bad they sound until people keep saying the same thing, so i will make it definitely a priority to get these drums happening properly!

I think this is awesome… honestly…
I wish I could sing that well…
Arrangement is wonderful…
As others have said…
The drum machine is the downfall.

Simple, but effective… You get a “B+” from me
(it would be higher with a real drummer)

Not sure why but when it opened it said it was 11:33 long...
I got really really scared. :)
I agree with what everyone else said, but as I was listning I thought that it might be cool if you picked up the tempo another 10 - 15 bpm. I think this song would rock and still be catchy if it was faster.

Did you read my thread? Drums on Demand Man, seriously it's the answer to your drumming problems. Much quicker than programming and they sound like a real drummer....Because they are!!!

sorry mate, missed that bit. will have a good look tonight, seems good at first glance. think to be honest tho, what im gonna be lookin for before i do anything serious with these is a band.

seriously, cheers for the input. its helped loads. i fooked it up when i was re-arranging bits taking on board suggestions, and now have a totally new tune to play with too!
Johnny Mac said:

Did you read my thread? Drums on Demand Man, seriously it's the answer to your drumming problems. Much quicker than programming and they sound like a real drummer....Because they are!!!


ive had a good look at that and im thinkin of getting something from there...firstly tho, does anyone use any 'cheap' alternatives that dont sound cheap? i know its probably a little optimistic, but im kinda at the bottom of the money pot after shelling out on a mac and logic :D
brummygit said:
ive had a good look at that and im thinkin of getting something from there...firstly tho, does anyone use any 'cheap' alternatives that dont sound cheap? i know its probably a little optimistic, but im kinda at the bottom of the money pot after shelling out on a mac and logic :D

Hey, I know a guy that will add drums to tracks for next to nothing, maybe even for nothing. PM if your interested.

Bro that song is catchy as hell, I'm still singing the chorus lol. I really like your vocals but maybe bring them down a tad. I really liked your lead licks very original song...If you add a live drummer than this song is very radio worthy.