HELP D: I can't get my MXL 770 to work!


New member
Hey there,

I just got a new mic and USB interface today, the MXL 770 and Tascam US-200. But unfortunately I can't get the set-up to work.

I have tried having phantom power on and off, but it makes no difference. I've tried both XLR inputs on the interface, but both seem to have the issue. The only signal that the interface seems to be receiving is when I move the XLR cable or when I move one of the switches on the microphone. There is also constant noise in the background, which is worrying me!

The cable I'm using was a cheap one from eBay, so that might be my issue?

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'm new to both this forum and proper home recording!

Thanks for reading :)
Gaaaah I'm not aloud to send links yet! If you go through the ebay link to the main ebay page and enter this 190999770233 into the search box it should take you there.
Sorry about that!

Thanks for quick replies as well guys ^^
Looks like a standard cable.

Do you have any other equipment to test with?
Even a line out from a keyboard or a guitar straight into the interface? At least that would prove the signal path to Daw.

Can you get your hands on another mic to test, or can you take your mic to a friend/college/studio to check it out?

Sorry. It's really going to be process of elimination, I think.

If you happen to have a multimeter you could test between pins 1+2 and 1+3 for 48v while phantom power is on.
If this is Greek to you, don't worry about it. ;)
I've got another cable on the way, which I ordered a while ago but got lost in the post, so I'll have that to test it with. I''ve got a couple of guitars in storage, so I'll pick one up tomorrow and see if I can get that to work.
I am hoping it's just a terrible cable, as that will make this much easier.

Thanks for your time guys :)
Are you monitoring the signal via the headphone jack using headphones?
And are you all set up with your DAW on your computer?
Yep, I'm monitoring it with headphones. The mic doesn't seem to be picking anything up, as the signal light is staying off.
I'll be honest, I'm not sure what a DAW is >.< Is it the drivers that came with the interface?
Ah ok, well the interface is being recognized in Audacity, it's just not accepting any input from the mic. I'm going to pop down to the shop in a moment and pick up a new multimeter, mine seems to be long dead!
When I hit flick the -10Db switch, the interface signal light comes on for a second... so something is going on with it.
The light is on the interface, it just flickers when I flick the switch on the microphone. It only does it with phantom power on. Maybe there isn't enough power being delivered.
Oh the DB switch is on the microphone and not on the unit. Sorry I did't understand that.

Could be the unit isn't supplying enough phantom but, those units are pretty good.

Have you a different microphone to try? One that doesn't require phantom? Or be able to borrow?
Nope :/ I only have USB mics sadly. I'll get a multimeter and see if that can tell me anything. Will have a new cable soon too, so I can try that with it, the current cable could be really resistive.