Help and advice wanted


New member
I am wanting to take my nature sounds cdS and rerecord them on my computer adding voice to them. In my eletrinics classes we have alot of complex formulas and calculations to deal with. I would like to burn CDs with these formuals in a subliminal mode with my nature music . If anyone can tell me how to do this on my computer or if there is a program that I need to do this please Email me and tell me how to do it and what programs I will need .
Thank you
Mistersinclair..I don't have a clue what you're talking about.

You want to have recordings of nature, eg birds and rabbits/chipmunks speaking out formula's they were teached at your school?

What is subliminal mode?
why not just study the formulas and calculations? are you trying to trick your mind to learn them without having to put forth the effort to study/memorize them??? that's definitely an original idea....

I don't know if subliminal works if you know that it's there???

anyways - to answer your're going to need a program capable of 'multitracking'...that is, recording your nature sounds onto one track and then recording your 'subliminal' message onto another would also be helpful to have an audio card capable of full-duplex recording (ie. recording one track while listening to another)

something like N-track ( would work...I know that there's other cheap multitracking software out there (help?? anyone??), maybe even some freeware that could accomplish want you want....
Be very careful!

If done incorrectly inserting a subliminal message under natual sounds can backfire! You may find that when you try to recall your formulas that you are having great difficulty and that you have a sudden urge to strip naked and run around on all fours, you may also find yourself loosing the ability to speak coherently and reverting to grunts and squeals!

For courses like Math and Electronics it is recommended that you use machinery noises as the foreground sound and that you play back the recordings at very high levels. This may have the affect of rendering you unable to sleep because of the noise, but don't worry it has been proven to work well especially if you use the time to read, maybe something light, like an electronics or math text.

Sorry dude.....Couldn't resist. ;)
I think this subliminal thing might work. But he definitely needs some A-class Neve pre-amps and the recordings should be compressed with nothing cheaper than a Manley. I suggest setting a ratio of 2:1, attack = 5.42ms and release = 245ms.

Sleep well.
... there are also certain types of waves that can affect the brain in different ways... some help the remember things longer... some just to relax... there are alpha waves, beta waves, theta(sp?) waves... do a search for info on these