HELP! Amp Watts VS Cab Ohms


New member
I've got a Traynor tcx212 cabinet. It says its rated at 4 ohms (i have no idea if its per speaker but i assume its for the whole cab).
My amp however says 8 - 16 ohms. SHould i not use these together?! The cabinet says its wired 4ohms PARALLEL does this make a difference????
How can i get around all this. The cab also has a jack to daisy chain with another cab. If i did this would it even everything out? Or would it be better to get a Y cable for the amp output and run it parallel to two cabs? do i even NEED to cabs to solve this?
If i HAVE to rewire the inside of the cab what do i do.
as you can see i am LOOOOOOST
please someone help me
ps. the speakers are celestion seventy 80's which im PRETTY sure are either 4 or 8 ohms. does that even matter since its all wired a certain way
pps. HELP!!
never plug a 4 ohm cab into an 8 ohm amp. you'll fry it. assuming you have a 4 ohm cab wired in paralell, that means you have two 8 ohm speakers. if you rewired them in series, you would have a 16 ohm cab, which would work with an 8 ohm amp. i don't really know what would happen if you daisy chained because i've always relied on only one cab. but maybe this will help you...a little anyway...i hope. good luck.
by the way, if you used a y cable to parallel two cabs, you'd be lowering the ohms even more...which isn't good. the amp should always have a lower ohm rating than the cab.
If you had a second 2x12 and wired the two in series, you'd have 8 ohms and be OK. As others said, connecting a 4 ohm cabinet to an amp only rated for 8-16 ohms is likely to cause permanent problems.


first of all- nice reply nick, you're getting this stuff down pretty well...

When you "daisy chain" cabs together you wire them in parallel. Wiring in paralell ALWAYS lowers the impedence of the setup so then you would be running somthing LESS than 4 ohms and your're gonna fry the sucker for sure!!!

To rewire you cab here is what you do.... Each speaker has a + and - on it. Right now it is in paralell, meaing that all you +'s and -'s are connected together. Take one wire that runs from the input jack, and connect it to the + of one of the speakers,then take the - of that speaker and run it to the + of the next speaker. Then take the - of the second speaker and run it back to the other end of the input jack. Now you are wire in series, having effectively one wire running through all the speakers so your impedences add up and you should now have a 16 ohms cab....

NOW you can dasiy chain it with another 16 cab and you'll get 8 ohms

have fun!!