Hello! New guy from Michigan.

My IT friends all run Avast on their home PCs. ALL. So I don't look for another.
If you're PC rich, separate one from the internet. Get it as stable as possible, and use that for a recording PC (RPC). It may be a nuisance to use TSN protocol "Tennis Shoe Network" but it sure saves on headaches recording.

My meaning: Once the RPC is operational and running well, don't do anything to it. If you need to add a new plug or do an upgrade (HAVE TO) make sure you can do it as a self contained download. Not a retrieval exe (runs to get more stuff off the internet). Scan whatever you download for virus before taking it to the RPC on a stick (or whatever media will go between your internet PC and your RPC) and then install. This keeps your RPC clean and running well.

Hope this is helpful to somebody out there :D
Hey Mike! I'm another 61 yr old, digitally challenged Beatles fan from Midland, Michigan. I've played guitar for years and lately been doing a little songwriting so I'm just getting into this home recording thing. Steep learning curve but good for the brain! Where are you in the state? Roger
Hey Mike! I'm another 61 yr old, digitally challenged Beatles fan from Midland, Michigan. I've played guitar for years and lately been doing a little songwriting so I'm just getting into this home recording thing. Steep learning curve but good for the brain! Where are you in the state? Roger

Hi Roger! Good to know I'm not the only "61 year old, digitally challenged Beatles fan" that's out there! I'm in Commerce Twp which is roughly 10 miles west and 5 miles south of Pontiac. Lots of lakes around here so it's a lake community which means everyone is crazy around here! I wouldn't have it any other way!
Since you have a Marshall DSL 50 with a 4X12 cab a fender and Les Paul and a serious low budget situation, maybe you should try a "power soak" on the amp. You can turn it up to 11 and get the good tone at a low volume...you can buy them for as little as $50.00.
Since you have a Marshall DSL 50 with a 4X12 cab a fender and Les Paul and a serious low budget situation, maybe you should try a "power soak" on the amp. You can turn it up to 11 and get the good tone at a low volume...you can buy them for as little as $50.00.

Good point Chris. But like so many things to do with amps and sound, it ain't that easy.

First of all safety. You might find a power soak for $50 but will it have a genuine 100W rating? Yes, you need a 100W load on a 50W valve amp. A burned out soak will be quickly followed by arced over OP valves and possibly a burned out output transformer.
I don't think I could get the parts together for a fully rated PS for $50, leave alone make a drinkypoo!

Then yes, a soak* allows you to play at milliwat levels and not wake the chavey but whether the sound you make is a GOOD one is debatable. Top line expensive soaks like the Sequis Motherload are said to be fabulous, doubt you can do it for 50 bucks.

So yes, worth a go but keep the amp safe and don't expect Jimi H in a matchbox!

*Aka "attenuators" but as a pedantic tekky I prefer the term "power soak">
