Hello, I'm new...

Outboad, one box units are very good for learning signal flow logic.

That being said, a decent comp, DAW and soundcard package can be had for around $800 US. I'm running one right now. Cheap HP laptop + Sonar Producer 8 + ZOOM R16 8 channel interface.
The cool thing with this rig is, the ZOOM also doubles as a 16 track stand alone recorder. Buy it first and simply use it as a recorder. It comes with a copy of Cubase LE. Later, if you want to go full DAW, you've got the software already. The ZOOM works great as an interface and functions, further, as a DAW control surface. My two centavos....:cool:

Thanks. I only half understand what you're talking about, but I'm new, so forgive me! Do you think cubase is superior to garageband or logic?
Thanks. I only half understand what you're talking about, but I'm new, so forgive me! Do you think cubase is superior to garageband or logic?

Interface = External soundcard that interfaces your instruments to the computer. The ZOOM R16 is 8 channel interface = 8 separate inputs to your DAW.
Control Surface = A controller for your DAW. When you are using a DAW program, most mimic the look of an analog mixer...on your screen you have channel strips with faders. But, it's a pain in the ass to move faders with a mouse, especially if you are going to be moving more than one (which you are when you get ready to mixdown). A control surface consists of faders and knobs that actively control the faders on your screen. If I move the fader on channel one on the control surface, the fader moves on channel one on the screen. It makes mixing and tracking, much easier and saves some time to boot.
As far as Cubase vs. Garageband or Logic? I dunno. I haven't used any of those 3 as I've been using Sonar Producer for the last few years. I have downloaded Reaper and used it as well. I started on Pro Tools. Most DAW programs are very similar to each other so I'd expect Cubase to be as usable as most programs. I know that everything I learned on Pro Tools was applicable to my move to Sonar.:cool:
Must be all those tears and mascara !
By the way apamallard, I'm a Brummie by birth.

Oohh... you mean someone's found that one in the Songwriter's Forum.... I'll have to wing over and check it out...

And Mr Mallard, curious, how have you found life with a surname that's a breed of duck?

Welcome to the board APA...

Good day yea.
It's not like in the old days when, you had to push play and record at the same time. But just as fun.


Ahh but I am still using a reel to reel and enjoy pushing those record and play buttons, using all those knobs on the sound board, r 2 r. It's actually quite fun :rolleyes:
Ahh but I am still using a reel to reel and enjoy pushing those record and play buttons, using all those knobs on the sound board, r 2 r. It's actually quite fun :rolleyes:

I got pretty adept at operating the record and play with my feet, especially during tricky punch ins. Then I made a remarkable discovery; the footswitch ! :eek:
Mind you, you still had to hit it twice which is ridiculously complex when you have guitar in hand, eyes cueing the drummer and all systems go ! :D