Hello, I´m new here. Would you care to listen to a rough mix?


New member
If you listen to the first version, you can imagine my disapointment.

So I threw everything out except the drums and came at it from a different angle.

It´s not a finished mix but I think I may be done tracking!

The forum will not allow me to post a link until my 10th post so how about this...

soundcloud.com davemenuey i wont even think of you remix

Any advice on where to go now with the mixing would be gratefully recieved!
You may not get much response for mixing this early in your registration. Especially, since your pseudo link went nowhere.

Get your posts up HERE. Try to say something interesting or funny tho, would ya? :)

Welcome to the forum lip! :D
Funny or interesting? I´ll take a shot at interesting.

For this song, wanted a tighter bass line.

I decided I only needed 4 notes so I sampled them and pasted the bass line dead on with the kick (my drums are all samples I recorded myself).

I liked the results so I went on to tune my acoustic to a low B (B,F#,B,D#,F#,B) and did an arpeggio sort of thing in stereo.

Wait a minute...interesting?!:facepalm:

Well, I think I got the MP3 thing figured out at least.


  • I won't even think of you.mp3
    3.9 MB · Views: 10
vocals are a bit too loud compared to the guitars, and the bass is about half as much too loud. When the drums come in, it sorts itself out so maybe just bring the guitars etc up a bit until then and drop them back to where they are now.

I have to say, it's really nice to listen to something on here that's not compressed to death!

And i think you could lose the electric guitar at the end, I don't think you need it. It's nice and light without it.
I agree, I will need to bring up the acoustic guitars in the begining of the song And yeah, I´ll see how it sounds without the chunky guitar.

Thanks for listening!