Hello guys, just wanted to see if my mix is radio ready OPEN to constructive crtizism

You can't say "fuck" on the radio for one thing.

The mix is very vocal forward, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I suspect it will affect its marketability. In addition the vocal is very dry. Again, vocals sans effects can be very good in some contexts, but here it just ends up sounding like you bought a beat and wrapped over it rather than actually mixing anything.
Thanks for the feedback, what do you think of my e'qing, compression, and deEsing and reeverb? i know i only didnt add many effects on it i just wanted to see if i did a good job on the basic things like eq and compression and the other little basic things. also
what do you think i should do to make it sound better? and also less vocal forward
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Personally, reverb and eq come first in my book, and sometimes, just reverb. Balance is my starting point, then I tweak. Compression on a minimal number of sources, and I've not had any need for sibilance reduction for ages.
I agree that the vocal doesn't really sound mixed into the music as well as it could be. I think part of it is the fact that its a bit upfront. I think the clap and hi hats are too low and the sub bass is a bit too loud. I can't tell if there is a kick but if there isn't, i think adding one would be nice to give the sub a little bit more punch. I don't have an eq or compression comments cause i think the improvement will come with simple fader balancing. I dig the tune though and nice flow.
Reverb on the vox will help them sit better. Also, turn them down a few DB so that they're less dominant over everything else.