heeeelp :-)

Sal Paradise

New member
hey there,

maybe you can help me out. i have an analog tascam 8 track and want to transfer my old recordings to the pc. those are the last recordings i did with the 8 track and drives me nuts to get them on the pc in halfway decent quality.

the pc has a normal philips soundcard, not on-board. in the past i always just connected the 8 track with the "line in" on the soundcard, with a cd recorder in between to get the weak signal at least a little bit louder. i really dont know what the problem of the tascam 8 track is, the output volume is so unbelievable low. anyway, i know its not the best way to transfer a signal into the pc, but it mostly worked alright.

however, i'm just sick of it now, no matter how much noise reduction i use there's hiss, hiss, hiss. i used to be able to filter it out with cool edit, but this time there's lots of quiet passages and acoustic guitars in the music, and of course too much hiss reductions always produces that metallic sound.

one thing i recently tried was to transfer the songs track by track, but to get it in sync later on is almost impossible. since a lot of the songs need cleaning up (crackle & hiss) it would have been the best way to treat each track on its own, but like i said its impossible to get it right.

what would you guys suggest now? to get one of those external soundcards with a built in pre-amp? would this help me in any way? some guy suggested that i get the tascam us 122, is it any good for what i need it? the thing is i probably wont record analog anymore, what to do with it afterwards? lots of question i know, but i'm going crazy over here.

thanks so much,
Just get any pro quality 8 channel sound card, hook the Tascam to the line inputs and transfer away. Are the levels that low on the Tascam itself? If not, than the Tascam is 98% likely to NOT be your problem. It seems to me that the cheapy sound card you are using is probably the culprit. Also, make sure that if your Tascam is outputting a +4 signal that your soundcrad is set to receive a +4 signal. You should not need additional preamps.