heavy rock w/ me on lead vocals *ouch*

I'm happy with the guitar solos too--wish I could play like that.

I see nothing wrong with your voice. It fits the genre.

I also listened to Blue Sunrise; it reminds me a lot of satriani (which is a great thing). I'm jealous you saw him live; I haven't been able to make it to one his concerts yet.
Good job, needs a little work

Hey this is really pretty darn good. There are a few things i would mention. The structure, and song writing are good, but there are a few spots where the vocals are a bit flat, and out of key. Fix that up and this will really kick some butt. And your guitar playing is absolutely amazing on the solos. Keep the music coming.
I agree with the above.
I like the way the keys blend in at the intro and outtro.
The vocals are good, with a couple of flat spots. Your missus doeas a pretty good job too.
Killer guitar playing man, good job.
I liked this. You get a little flat at times on the vocals just like I do-lol. If this is your first attemp at vocals just keep at it and you will get good. Reminds me of Hagar. You got a good rhythm gtr sound. The mix had balls. Nice solo playing also.
Not really sure what you guys hear that is flat... The vocal melody contains a major 7th which is not played in the music(i guess I just think it sounds interesting "a la New Lynch/Pilson album") BTW that makes it really hard to sing!

What specifically do you hear that is flat?

It's my voice that I have a hard time hearing...seems sort of weird sounding to me.

I worked on those solos to wow some of my advanced guitar students... the minor to diminished arpeggios in the end will show them some applications for some of the theory crap I make them learn...LOL!

Thanks for the listen
