heavy metal mp3


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check out our mp3, tell me what you think. this was recorded at my house with Sonar and Audiophile 24/96...


hey plummet,

I'm listening and typing to your tune....you definitely got the metal.....there's no doubt.....old Maidenish....a bit more edge at times.......I like the style for sure.....there's a few problems with the tune IMOP though....the vocals are tooo loud......lowering the vocals would make a difference right off the bat.............I like your idea......it is my definition of 'true metal'........lower the vocals and maybe add another guitar track doing the same thing......pan them.....the singer was off in a few spots but he is a much more capable singer than me so take that for what it's worth........he was also very on in a few spots....

the good metal song is there and that's what I think counts...
maybe someone here will give you some tips if they see this...

good metal song :cool:
decent enough playing and singing...but the music has no "balls". The guitar sound is too wimpy sounding...same with the drums.... Watch the intonation on the singing...and it's WAAAY to loud.

You can do the "standard"...double up the gtrs, pan, etc...but everyone does that. Just get a 'meatier' sound to begin with. It has the sound that it is coming out of an AM radio. Probably sounded good in the recording room (as a guess), but wasn't captured well at all.
mixmkr said:
decent enough playing and singing...but the music has no "balls". The guitar sound is too wimpy sounding...same with the drums.... Watch the intonation on the singing...and it's WAAAY to loud.

You can do the "standard"...double up the gtrs, pan, etc...but everyone does that. Just get a 'meatier' sound to begin with. It has the sound that it is coming out of an AM radio. Probably sounded good in the recording room (as a guess), but wasn't captured well at all.

OR you could double them:D :D :D :D :D :D
thanks for the comments...

I appreciate everything... this is a first session of mixing, so we'll only improve. I think I am going to recut the vocal track (I am the vocalist). and I'll take your suggestions to the session. and again thanks for the comments...

rock on...
oh yeah

and I wanted to point out that we did this at MY HOUSE for nothing (unless you count what I spent on Computer and Mics but that's an obsession)...so I'm happy so far.
fight the power

the guitars need 'oomphed up' quite a bit. If you mic'ed them I'd try moving the mic a bit. Everyone else is right that you need to at least double them up a bit. Right now the sound is very bare. It's got a very early 80's sound to it, and if that's what you are shooting for I'd go for a warmer tone on the guitar... the current tone seems like way too much distortion for the sound of the band.

I like the vox alot. I think that once you get more guitars in the mix and it will bring the vocal more into the mix, rather than how it stands out by itself in this version. Once you get it sounding more like a part the band it will improve them a great deal.

The bass and drums sound really good.

All in all a cool song!
NobleSavage said:
the guitars need 'oomphed up' quite a bit. If you mic'ed them I'd try moving the mic a bit. Everyone else is right that you need to at least double them up a bit.

Are you noticing a pattern here? ;)

The popular technique for thickening guitars is doubling and panning one take L and one take R. Even more takes of the guitars will thicken them more.

The mic suggestion is a good one. Try moving it a bit off-axis as opposed to pointing it right at the cone. Also, slap some headphones on and listen to the results of different mic placements to determine where you are getting your meat. Subtle changes in mic position can make drastic differences in tone quality.

Aside from thickening up the guitars, I loved the tune. My style of song! Sabbath hit it on the head with the old Maiden analogy. Good stuff.
The vocals sure are too loud. The guitar tone shows promise. You could try lowering the gain on the distortion and adding a little low frequencies there, but be careful on that. Also the mic placement could be helpful, although I don't know much about that, since I've recorded direct so far. And yeah, the double tracking is almost standard in today's music, and there's really no use fighting with windmills here. The double tracking alone would make the guitar sound more powerful.

The hi-hats that start in 1:18 sound a bit weird. I guess they sound too sampled, at least that's what I'm hearing. I'm not sure about that, though.

The song itself is a good example of a metal song. Definately maidenish.
Yep, definate Maiden influence there, the begining reminds me of phantom of the Opera. i definately like the song, agree with the comments on the guitars and vox, can't really add much more then that.