Heavenly Music


New member
This is my first time here and my first time publishing music on the web, I hope you all enjoy the music. http://www.thewithin.com has 2 music galleries, the first of which is related to Sept.11/01 and the second; heavenly music.
All tracks are copywrite and original save the second track in gallery A. [adaptation of Silent Night (manneheim steamroller?) by some christian radio station]

The actual galleries pop up in special windows and,(after a moment to load) can be downloaded or played directly from the page.

What do you think/feel?

Thank you,
The page has been improved with streaming audio capabilities, no more long waits for the music. The Galleries have been switched from what I said earlier. Please visit http://www.thewithin.com and goto the MUSIC section.

I would welcome all comments, so please let me know what you think... and have a ?;

I am using Cool Edit 2000 to make the mp3's and it seems to be exporting less than the greatest quality sound (and in mono! don't tell me mp3's can't be stereo, what do I know...)
I would love to hear from you if you know about this. Thanks
