Thanks Guys ! I've got it "laid out" but I think I've got a Lot of work to do to get it to where I'm happy with it. This was actually revamped from an instrumental I did in 2020 ( with some additional tracks). I've learned a lot since then and don't think it's up to par yet. I think I posted it too soon but .. I wouldn't have gotten the help of your ears otherwise. ?
@dobro , After "failing" at attempting to do the coyotes myself , I searched the web. This sample was from a field recording at "Yellow Stone" provided by the National Park Service. After a deep high pass it was pretty pristine. I found some good ones but couldn't remove the noise floor on most of them. These guys were actually pretty close to being on key. I have several recordings I've done myself but they didn't fit. I feed them and the foxes every night.
@packrobottom , Yep , there's actually 2 different DI acoustics. They were done before I "quit" doing DI. I probably would have been satisfied with them if not for your comment. Thank You ! Agree with you 100%. I'm redoing the guitar parts. Probably take longer than I'd like .
@Papanate , Yeah .. the electric was pretty hot. Took care of that. I soloed the bass with the drums. It SUCKED. I did it on a borrowed upright. I'm redoing it on a standarded bass. There was also some major conflcts with it and the cello track. I'll clean that up as well. Thanks .. Good call ?
@60's guy , Thanks .. I'll try and keep the energy up but try and get it better.
Thank You All for the listen and comments. I'll get started in the morning . ms