Heart Aches and Rattle Snakes -Final- New Mix and Master

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mark skinner

mark skinner

Well-known member
Hello , here's mix 1 of a new "strange one" I'm finishing up. I sure had a no pressure Good time doing it. All comments welcomed. Thanks .. mark
Where'd you get those coyotes from? 8-)

You know, you've reached the stage where even your first outing on a tune sounds like the finished deal. I just listened and enjoyed.
sounds ready to go to me crisp and well balanced. Just a nice song that transports you instead of listening to the mix. The acoustics especially in the intro where they are more naked have a DI feel which I don't like as a general rule, but that's a personal pref thing. It sounded like you blended di with mics. Maybe bring the di down a bit as it makes the acoustic sound a bit brittle and not as warm. If there is no DI then maybe too much high end. I'm listening on air prod pros because it's early.
Hello , here's mix 1 of a new "strange one" I'm finishing up. I sure had a no pressure Good time doing it. All comments welcomed. Thanks .. mark
Great Track - the Guitar part in the beginning seems a little loud - and there is an interesting thing going on with the bass - it’s good but stands out on my monitors.
Thanks Guys ! I've got it "laid out" but I think I've got a Lot of work to do to get it to where I'm happy with it. This was actually revamped from an instrumental I did in 2020 ( with some additional tracks). I've learned a lot since then and don't think it's up to par yet. I think I posted it too soon but .. I wouldn't have gotten the help of your ears otherwise. ?
@dobro , After "failing" at attempting to do the coyotes myself , I searched the web. This sample was from a field recording at "Yellow Stone" provided by the National Park Service. After a deep high pass it was pretty pristine. I found some good ones but couldn't remove the noise floor on most of them. These guys were actually pretty close to being on key. I have several recordings I've done myself but they didn't fit. I feed them and the foxes every night.
@packrobottom , Yep , there's actually 2 different DI acoustics. They were done before I "quit" doing DI. I probably would have been satisfied with them if not for your comment. Thank You ! Agree with you 100%. I'm redoing the guitar parts. Probably take longer than I'd like .
@Papanate , Yeah .. the electric was pretty hot. Took care of that. I soloed the bass with the drums. It SUCKED. I did it on a borrowed upright. I'm redoing it on a standarded bass. There was also some major conflcts with it and the cello track. I'll clean that up as well. Thanks .. Good call ?
@60's guy , Thanks .. I'll try and keep the energy up but try and get it better.
Thank You All for the listen and comments. I'll get started in the morning . ms
Yep , there's actually 2 different DI acoustics. They were done before I "quit" doing DI. I probably would have been satisfied with them if not for your comment. Thank You ! Agree with you 100%. I'm redoing the guitar parts.

I've stopped doing DI too. It's messy and noisy with mics, but in the end it sounds better.
Hello , I've Finally gotten a remix done.
@dobro , I think this version is a little closer to finished. Thanks for the comments and support. 👍
@packrobottom , The L/R DI guitars were replaced with a LaPatrie concert nylon. (SM57). I couldn't get any other guitars sounding right. Thanx .. sounds much better.
@Papanate , I think I pulled down the loud intro electric guitar down enough. I replaced the upright bass guitar with an electric (except for the intro part). Still not sure of that section. There were a Lot of conflicts between the original bass track and the cello. Good call.
Let me know what I've missed or screwed up. Thanks .. mark
Great mix. Excellent performances. Nice tone on most everything. Great production ideas.

The only things I'd think about...

The lead-ish guitar in the intro is a bit bright/crispy.

The tempo is a bit fast. The vocal is just a bit rushed. If the tempo were a bit slower, the listener could take in the words a bit easier.
@Papanate , I think I pulled down the loud intro electric guitar down enough. I replaced the upright bass guitar with an electric (except for the intro part). Still not sure of that section. There were a Lot of conflicts between the original bass track and the cello. Good call.
Let me know what I've missed or screwed up. Thanks .. mark
Much better now - still can’t tell about the bass - there is something with it right? Seems you sped it up slightly?
Really, really nice. Seems like it's got more clarity now. It could support more bottom if you wanted more heft. Really, really nice. I said that. (y)
Thanks guys for the listens . Great comments and suggestions. I just replaced the file with a final mix. The new master was done by my friend Gary Brun . I don't think I'll make any more changes as I feel satisfied with it now. Thanks for all the help . 😁 mark
Has Gary Brun mastered your stuff before? What effect does his mastering have on your stuff? (I've tried mastering my own stuff in Ozone and I can't come close to what Jimistudios does.)
Yes , Gary has done quite a few for me. He's retired and in Norway and loves to master . We go back and forth with files untill we're both satisfied or sick of hearing one. Typically I'll send him a mix already run thru Ozone Master Assistant (basic EQ settings) but , without any of the volume boosting. He always adds something to a mix that goes Way beyond basic Ozone mastering. He does a lot of mid/side work that I'm just now trying to learn. I also send the vox tracks seperate. I have a hard time setting my own vox volume. Nice to have another person decide that. You can get a decent master from Ozone but without any of the magic. He's the sound man for "Hobo Train" a Fantastic country band from his area. You would think they are straight out of Nashville. ms