headphones resistance?


New member
hey, i have been playing acoustically only until a week ago when i got an elec/acousitc, so forgive my ignorance.

I have a 60 watt amp and i am trying to find out if it is possible to headphone it, and also to record DI through it (to mixer to computer). the only output i see on the back is labeled "external speaker: min 8ohm load". what is the resistance of headphones? is it going to blow something if i plug headphones into there?

what about (with gain cranked down) from that output to a mixers line input?

will anything be damaged?
dont put ur headphones in there...
seriously dont.
if its not a headphone jack, it wasnt meant to have them put in there.
You will run 60 watts into a speaker that is nowhere near that, you will have a useless set of headphones a fried sound card and motherboard on your computer and 2 blown eardrums as well. You will be creating a pile of junk that was your recording system. Dont even try to do this!! :mad: