headphones or monitors ?


New member

i've a simple (it's never simple) question.

-I'm looking at buying some good 'flat' headphones for monitoring.
-i've used headphones to mix since i started digital recording.
-I will be mixing for consumer hi-fi's.

So... it begs the question!

I know monitors allow you to mix your music with a lot more accuracy and have better results on a wider range of output devices(hifi's etc) but seeing as though i will need new headphones for real time monitoring and i'm not planing on giving my music to a studio wizz who will listen to it on a pair of (quotes really expensive monitors here), then will it really pay off to get both monitors for mixing and headphones to monitor my playing ?
IF not... can anyone recommend some good 'flat' headphones that will get the job down on both accounts.

I dont think I ever mixed a song using only headphones. I use monitors only for mixing. And then when I feel I have a good mix I write to a CD and review it on several different systems like my home stereo, car stereo, jam box, and someone else's stereo before I master. Perhaps you can mix with headphones only, I've not had success.
I second that reply.

Headphones for tracking, Monitors for mixing. Do a few searches in the Mixing forum, and you'll get some very in-depth info.