headphones for monitoring and mixing?


New member
I´m looking for some really decent headphones for mixing(i know its not acceptable in some schoo :confused: ls of thought) and for playback/overdubs so they have to be closed and capable of brutal volumes .any suggestions?

kaminari13 said:
I´m looking for some really decent headphones for mixing any suggestions?

don't do it.
your ears will thank you years to come.."brutal volume" in your cans? whooa... like 3 days of tentanis, ear ringing...

your taking the hard-road.... good luck.
yes...brutal volume

unfortunatly i need cans that can take some brutal volume cos i have to overdub feedbacking guitars etc so the phones have to compete with a highly cranked up amp ,any sugestions for reliable cans ,preferably with little as possible bleed
i'd suggest spending on isolation/room acoustic stuff.

i love my Sony MDR7506...

recently traded for a set of AKG 271, but haven't been out of the box.retail for $199, retail $249, their selling off this model i was told... so really good price around $150ish. i'd sell these but i'd have to setup my Paypal and all that crap again...

your proably looking at $100.

no help on the JimiH sessions tho... "Brutal Volume" sounds like a band or song name!! :cool:
can you hear me now...

another idea, it seems your actually in the Tracking phase...overdubbing, you mentioned.

if this is the case why not just record a few takes of the Feedback Distortion guitarist and then unplug it,

then sit back and listen thru the monitors & see if the take was good.
at a normal level.
if no good re-Track.

a really nice lesson that BMWerks gave me was not to
confuse Mixing stage with Tracking.

Instead of what i was doing panning and Eqing while tracking,
i now concentrate to get the best performance and sound going in.
It really helped me & prevented alot of song burn out.
Its like you get it on tape/hd... fresh... if you get a decent Mono, your setting yourself up in a good way.

then later i ruin it with poor mixing skills!! :eek:

Friends Don't Let Friends Mix while Tracking.