Headphone troubles with a Teac 3


New member
I have a Teac model 3 mixer and it all seems to be running smoothly except I can't figure out how to get sound to come out of either of the two 1/4 inch headphone jacks- one located on the back and one on the front. When I hook up a headphone amp to the mixer I can get sound to come out, but not when I hook up the headphones straight to either of the 1/4 inch inputs. Any ideas on why this is so? The manual says that the quarter inch inputs should have a enough power to make the headphones work.. so I'm sort of at a loss! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know this may sound stupid but there is a seperate headphone knob you need to to turn or something? I'm not familiar with the piece of gear, but maybe there is a switch or something?
When I hook up a headphone amp to the mixer I can get sound to come out, but not when I hook up the headphones straight to either of the 1/4 inch inputs. Any ideas on why this is so? The manual says that the quarter inch inputs should have a enough power to make the headphones work.. so I'm sort of at a loss! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You're plugging the headphones into inputs? :confused:

Maybe I'm misunderstanding...
Yea, verily:

And, Besides all of "that," Do you need to use a "stereo" 1/4 plug?

You need to pick up the sound coming OUT someplace. Like Blue Bear Said, " What goes IN must come out!

Green Hornet:D
Maybe I am using the wrong terminology.
The way it's set up, there are two quarter inch headphone jacks on the mixer. One in the front of the machine and one in the back. When I plug my headphones into either of these jacks (using the quarter inch adaptor), no sound is coming out.
Yo Deaaaath by Darth:

Sounds like you're using "mini-plugs?" Are they stereo? Is the adaptor stereo? Could be a problem there. If not, sounds like a bad wire. If not that, something isn't pushing out the watts.

Almost all phone plugs are stereo. A mono plug might get you something but not as it should be.

Hope this helps.

Green Hornet:D
Another thought just popped into my head: HOW are you inputing the "sound?" Need to put sound in via some type of amplification in order to get sound OUT via your earphones. GH
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How old is this thing? It's possible that it just stopped working, or it's been banged around a bit. I would take it in and have it looked at. Did you buy it new, or pick it up second hand?
Hey Hornet,
yeah, I am using 1/4 inch stereo mini-plugs. I have quite a few of these lying around the house from constantly losing and finding them over the years and none of them are bringing forth sound. Still no sound coming through the headphones unless I hook them up to an external amplifier, which of course isn't really a problem, just that'd it'd be nice if I could just plug the phones right into the console.
To answer your question: I am putting sound into the mixing board (hooked up to my tascam38) by just hooking my 57 right into it and speaking into the microphone. What do you mean by needing to put the sound in through some type of amplification?
It is indeed possible that the headphone part of the mixer just broke over the years, as it was purchased off ebay... just that everything else runs so smoothly on it that it seems a bit odd for the phones not to work. But stranger things have happened!
It's not all that uncommon.

Since you mentioned that you are just plugging in a mic and speaking into it, another thought has crossed my mind.

Are you using a condensor mic? If so, is the phantom power on the mixer turned on?
Sounds like you need a headphone amp. Behringer makes some cheap ones that have gotten good reviews.
