headphone recommendations


New member
Can anyone recommend a good cheap pair of headphones...under $100...as far under as possible? Is there anything decent besides the sennheiser HD280's which are $99?
Can anyone recommend a good cheap pair of headphones...under $100...as far under as possible? Is there anything decent besides the sennheiser HD280's which are $99?

i asked that same question a couple of weeks ago, and this is what got recommended from Harvey Gerst. though i specifically asked for tracking headphones.


i ordered two pair of the studio deluxes. i am looking forward to receiving them :)
Thanks Nicole,
I'm going to check out the reviews of those.
There aren't a lot of reviews that I know of, except people like George Massenburg, Terry Manning, Mike Clark, Bob Ohlsson, and Bruce Sweiden all use them, and like them. I know they were used extensively on the new Widespead Panic album and Joss Stone's latest album (she preferred them to all the other headphones there).
I was in same position about 3 years ago.
I got AKG K66 for $35, even though my budget was $100.
I demo'd 20 pairs of headphones that day, swapping with $200 and $400 ones for comparrison.

Review ---- http://reviews.cnet.com/headphones/akg-k-66-headphones/4505-7877_7-31068973.html
Compares them to other headphones, even in the $200 range.

I've had better headphones before Sen's and AKG, but these were impresive for the price and comfort.

You might not like them, but give them a try.
The MoreMe's work well for tracking, but not for a balanced picture of what is being played back. Great for 30 bucks. I'd recommend Sony MDR 7506's... they go for the hundred you've got, but they were well worth the money to me (I just didn't feel like spending it again after they broke 6 years after purchase).

Granted, you have to take care of em, like most headphones they will break if you don't take some care of em. Mine finally blew a speaker that went completely static-ee, but great service before that.
I'll recommend what I use. For mixing and most general listening is use Audio Technica ATH-M40fs $70. For tracking is use ATH-M30 $60
I had a pair of JVC's that I liked a lot for almost a year, but they broke, so I had to get some new ones. The JVC's I had were real nice for listening to CD's, but not as accurate, IMO, as the ATH 30's. If you got the same ones I had, that's a super value(I paid 60)...I may get another pair because they fold up real small to take out for casual listening and are a million times better than my ear buds. The cord on the model I had is super thin though, and will snap easily if it gets snagged on something.
The ATH-M30 does hype the bass a little more than the ATH-M40fs. The ATH-M30 fit on the head a little more snugly than the ATH-M40fs. So, the 30 will not be as comfortable after 20 minutes, or so. The 40 is more comfortable for longer use, but the 40 leaks more sound. So, the 30 works better for tracking, and for shorter listening sessions. The 40 works better for long sessions, and when you need more accurate sound, and you are not close to active microphones.
Yeah, I noticed that about the bass. The bass drum at times can almost knock you over with the m30's. BTW, a correction... my old headphones were JBL, not JVC...stupid me. They were real nice foldable, portable phones and I was sad to see them go... they lasted a year and one day before one of the earpieces went dead. http://www.soundclick.com/lejaz
i got my moreme's a couple of days ago. they work well for tracking, i can always hear most everything well. :)

thanks Harvey :)
I like my MoreMe's also. They have the best isolation I've heard in headphones. Also the best customer support you could ask for.

I should be getting the HD280's for Christmas so if I do I'll let you know how they work. Just curious, why did you ask for headphones besides those?