Headphone Amp


New member
I am looking for a headphone amp, that will take at least six outputs. Has anyone any suggestions where to find one, and what sort of price I should be paying for a reasonable one.
Any feedback will be welcome.
Thanks JC.
Yo Close:

If you got a four bang can amp, I think you can double it by using the two-for-one patch plug. I have a couple of them. One 1/4 inch going in and on top there are two females to plug into.

This might save you some $$. I don't think the signal would degrade much at all.

Just a thought.

Green Hornet

PS Kind of beware of those "cosmetically" cool looking can amps; I got one once and sent it back -- it wasn't even close to the old junky Peavy 4 plug can amp I use.
Yo Tex:

I've got a Peavey can amp. It has four patches for 4 sets of phones. [kind of redundant there]

It cost me around 65 dollars and works fine. I once ordered a newer can amp, looked cool in the catalog and didn't work very well so I sent it back and am still using the Peavey. It's simple and sounds great.

Green Hornet :D :cool:
Here comes the Behringer plug!

Get the HA4600, up to 12 pairs of cans, 4 seperate mixes, bass & treble control, balanced & unbalanced in's & outs, connect multiple units if you need more outputs.

Plenty of volume, no problems!(that I know of, anyway)

A bud of mine is borrowing mine for use in his studio, until he gets around to buying his own, or I need it back. He loves it, especially compared to the Rolls 4 channel he was using.

Around a hundred bucks.:cool:
If you're good with circuits, you can build your own. A lot of DIYers build their own headphone amps, and it wouldn't be hard to just dump 6-8 of them in a rackmount case. They range in price for parts from $20 each to several hundred $ each, but even the $20 ones are high quality if you build them correctly.

If you don't want to pay $300, you may want to look into this. Otherwise, it would save a lot of time to buy it.