Headphone Amp and Mixer?


New member
After reading some posts, I've made a decision to soon purchase a headphone amp and possibly a mixer. I am using a Tascam 788 and have been getting some pretty good results with it, but the only problem has been needing to borrow a mixer to record drums and we've been wanting to do overdubs and record each instrument seperately. We will need more than one set of headphones to do this tough, so I was wondering, will it be a headphone amp or a headphone splitter that i need? I think its an amp but i just want to make sure.

The possible headphone amps and mixers ive been looking at are:

Headphone Amps:
-Samson C-Que8
-Behringer HA4700

-Behringer Eurorack UB1622FX
-Yamaha MG 12/4

Are any of those any good? I can't afford to spend loads but they all seem to look ok and to have enough inputs / outputs for what I want.

Hey man.

Yea your gonna need a headphone amp. The Behringer will do the trick. Alot of people on this board use that HA. If you need headphones check out "More Me" headphones. They rock and they're cheap!


Those mixers would do the trick but......

If you can spend a little more money and pick up something like a Mackie 1202 I think you will be much happier. The sound quality will be better then the other two you listed. Check on ebay for some lower priced used ones. Hope that helps.

i disagree on the mixer point. the Yamaha MG mixers are top drawer and far better than the behringers for the money. there are also a number of people on here who would quite happily take the yamaha in place of a mackie. i wouldn't go that far but for your purposes i think the mixer would not be your limiting factor and would give you many of the options you need.
theres also others who cant afford yamaha or mackie so they buy behringer and are happy. so the question is...are you trying for a $2k studio release or a really good demo that you can release yourself. if the latter....get behringer or yamaha if you can afford the extra bit ...I have the behringer headphone amp....its really good. i was using a splitter before and i made do but buying the headphone amp so i could get 4 people in harmony on one mic was great for everything including just me listening to mp3s without turning on my monitors. the samson que i would use if i had to tear down my setup every few days and take it somewhere. and let me throw in a plug for the $20 behringer headphones....nice little studio addition....cheap and effective and it wont take you months to amass a small collection
i'm not dissing the behringer stuff although i do have well-founded concerns over its longevity!

over here the yamahas are literally the same price as the behringer desks so there's no decision to be made really. i'd easily pay £20 extra anyway for the knowledge i'd got a superior product.

i was thinking bout getting some of those behri headphones cos i've got no decent ones right now so it could be a good stopgap! what are they like for leak?
You people are too much. I didnt slam behringer or insult him for not having money to buy a Mackie. I just made a suggestion.

And for your info I have both a Mackie and a behringer, so dont even try and say they are are on the same level sound wise.
chill out man. you, like so many others on here, stress way too easily.

no-one ever had a go at behringer, mackie or you on here. get over it. distortedumble made fair points about what you're aiming for, that many are happy with behringer. and i made the point that for the same money you can get a far better yamaha that is much closer to the standard of the mackie vlzs.
and besides....even though I'm ready to attack in defense of behringer. its not like I'm not up for finding a better product...I'm all about cheap! (walmart, kmart, bought a car for 500...and the car before that...and the car before that too) granted i dont expect it to last forever but the more i get into recording, the more my priorities change from expensiveness to quality. I'm interested in a few of those yamaha mixers....I'm going to have to look past the blue exterior......tapco is kinda interseting...made by mackie so i guess thats a good thing...anyone messed with alesis mixers?.....still on the fence about shelling out the money for a mackie although i know i wont be dissapointed if i do get it.

those behringer headphones have a small leak as do most heaphones but you get a pretty decent full sound out of it.

This comes from the guy who bought his heaphones for monitoring from circuit city
for 20 bucks.

I think i need to start a group called Cheapskates Anonymous
come on. i'm not sure how anonymous we would be cos we'd have to wear bright yellow 'cheapskate' t-shirts. i think i'll go and buy a pair of the phones anyway then, to give them a go. they can't be less comfortable than my in-ear phones which leave me wincing every time i use them!