He sent me a track??????


New member
I read in a couple of places how so and so sent me a track or a solo or something.

How do transfer tracks like this? I have struggled just to figure out how to do the little bit that I do on computers to post songs etc.

How does everything stay synced? For instance, I have a tune that's crying for a sax solo either from a keyboard or sax player. How would I go about transferring that info back and fourth if I found a willing participant? And is it even possible with a phone line.

If anyone has a few minutes and feels like explaining, thanks in advance. If this is the wrong place to ask, sorry about that, can you direct me to the right forum.

Thanks guys

Joe, alias Smokepole, alias "ITCHY KRAK"
Well the way I've done it is just exchanging high quality (192kbit or more for stereo) MP3's. Using a program like winLame you can encode wav to mp3 to post on the internet or decode mp3's to wav's so you can use them in your DAW.

Well there's a few ways. perhaps the easiest is to keep the length of silence before the song starts the same for all files... then you just line up the starts which in most DAWs is dead simple. Otherwise you can put timing taps/count just before the song starts to sync up to.. just time shift in your DAW to match it up.

It's really very simple.
Sync: Do a one or two-bar count in using cymbal hits, or something percussive. Quarter-notes. Bring the .wav files into your DAW, and line them up by sight (with the count-in). When it's all lined up, mute the count-in parts

Send file: Instant Messenger, ICQ, AIM... both parties online at the same time, one sends a .wav file to the other.
Smokepole said:
a willing participant?

Originally posted by Participant Sync: Do a one or two-bar count in using cymbal hits, or something percussive. Quarter-notes. Bring the .wav files into your DAW, and line them up by sight (with the count-in). When it's all lined up, mute the count-in parts

Send file: Instant Messenger, ICQ, AIM... both parties online at the same time, one sends a .wav file to the other.
