HD24 to Sonar

Reel Recording

New member
I hope this isn't too stupid a question, but bear with me, I'm an analog guy...dumping tracks from the HD24 to my DAW with Sonar 4- using the fireport device, does it drop 24 tracks individually into 24 tracks of Sonar?
You'll pull them off one at a time from the Fireport to the selected track. Its pretty fast. Kinda like importing wav files - which is what your doing.
Wow, you are an analog guy. I went through the exact same things when I switched over from my old Tascam 38. Anyway, each track will have the exact same start point, so as long as they line up in Sonar (to absolute zero usually) they'll all be right in line. And since you can visually "re-align" each individual tracks, you can even import other tracks and just nudge them into place. I've done it with midi files etc.