HD24 monitoring


New member
I'm going to be purchasing the HD-24XR to use both as a mobile recording solution, as well as 24 channels of conversion to my PC. I plan on using ADAT i/o between the HD24 and my RME 9652 PCI card.

I was just looking at a few things, and I'm wondering how I am going to be able to monitor with this setup? I don't see any connections for headphones or monitors. Am I missing something?
You're not missing anything. The HD24 has no monitoring capabilities of its own. To do that, you'll either have to monitor from your PC if the RME has such capabilities, or connect the HD24's analog outs to a 24 channel mixer or summing buss. I believe there are a couple posters here who work that way, by running into the HD24's analog ins, and sending the digital outs to a computer for recording and the analog outs to a mixer for monitoring.
I think that's what I have to figure out........if the RME card will allow me to monitor from it.

I thought I read something about using the SPDIF out to monitor with, but I'm not 100% sure if I'll need another piece of gear (central station?) to get it to my monitors.
The RME does have an s/pdif out. You will have to do your monitoring from inside your sfotware application, so there will be some form of latency. The 9652 do not come with any analog outs, so you will have to have two channels of D/A conversion handy. This however can be done directly from the HD 24 however by running ADAT optical out from the RME card into the Alesis. Try setting up channels 23 and 24 on the Alesis to receive the ADAT optical signal on just those two tracks. This does mean however that you can not be using those two channels for tracking which will effectively lower your tracking count to 22. A presonus central station would also do the trick. The converter in those are OK, but I would give some serious consideration to a Lucid DA9624 or something similar. They can be had used for around $450 or so are are really underrated converters in my opinion. If you do have a console, using the console for analog return lines from the HD24 is a very nice way to go during tracking. This eliminates all forms of latency (as much as any digital system can). If you happen to have the newere HDSP 9652 card, than there is a software 0 latency mixer built in. This will greatly reduce all altency issues by allowing you to monitor your incoming tracks before your DAW application. It is the next best thing to directly monitoring using a standard tape return analog system. Hope some of that helps:)
if you get a motu 2408 it comes with " cuemix" internal software for PC/Mac that lets you monitor,setup and save monitor mixes. It has an audio card and is a good go between the HD24 and the pc.