HD24 Lightpipe to Berry DDX3216 Question


New member
I'm hoping someone using this combo can help me out with this. I've got a HD24, but I'm still looking for a mixer to use with it. Unfortunatley I'm not loaded and have to keep the price down. With that in mind I've been considering (among a few others) the Behringer DDX3216.

This question presumes a person would be using this combo with 2 ADAT cards in the Berry (for a total of 32 'possible' in/out lightpipe connections).

So here's my question...

Is it possible to use tracks 1-8 on the Berry as record tracks (I'd not need more then that at any one time). I'd use the 1-8 OUT on the Berry to the 1-8 IN on the HD24, and set the HD24 for input normalling - where I could route the signal from those 1-8 inputs to all 24 tracks. That I believe wouldn't be a problem. What's I'm really wondering is would it then be possible to route all 24 HD24 lightpipe OUT connections back to the Berry, to tracks 9-32 (for monitoring).

If that setup is possible then one would be able to record to all 24 tracks of the HD24 (perhaps recording only a max of 8 tracks at a time) and still monitor/mix over the other 24 tracks on the DDX. Would be a pretty nice set-up if that's possible.

So those with a HD24 and a DDX3216 (And I know there are several of you out there from the previous posts I've read) - is it possible (without perhaps constantly changing cables) to record AND monitor all 24 tracks on the HD24?

Page 26 of the HD24 user manual says you can use channels 1-8 (in) to record to tracks 9-24 via electronic patching. In theory, what you are proposing could work. I don't have a second ADAT card or I'd try it and tell you. The DDX is very flexible in routing so, I don't see why you couldn't do what you're proposing. If I had the money to to it all over, I'd buy a used Yamaha O2R. It's more expensive than the ddx, but way better in many ways.

Good Luck!

BTW, keep in mind that all 32 channels don't have the same features. When you switch to 17-32, you lose compression, gate, and I think effects, too. I think you can patch them in with outboard gear if you have it but, it's not a built in function on all 32 channels. My advice, go to the ddx3216.com and read the pdf manual before you buy. You don't want to get it in house and find out it's not what you expected. That's all.
ok.....i did a little research. I only had 1 adat card out in my ddx3216 but it doesnt matter because you can run vertually any configuration you want for playback. So....all 24 will play back from tracks 9-32. Ok....optical out from the ddx3216 to the hd24 using input normaling does work. I did it with the 1-8 as a master and it sent it on to the appropriate channels. channels 17-32 on the ddx3216 do have the same abilities (fx, dynamics, and so) but does not have the delay effect (which i still have yet to even need). So in essence it can and will work.
cheers :D
Thanks for the input folks! I'm still in decision mode as I just can't decide. I like the flexibility of digital, but I like (perhaps because that's what I'm used to) the knobs on analog mixers. I've checked out the Tascam DM24 and it looks great - plus I can get one for a great price! But the lightpipe card comes in only 8 in/8 out and is expensive!