having trouble with this mix


New member
I recorded this high school band about a month ago and I've been trying to get a decent sounding mix for a while now. Unfortunately the drummer didn't know/doesn't know how to tune his drums so that was a problem already. However, I'm trying my best to work with this. If you have any tips that'd be helpful... i'm really stuck with what to do ...

The cymbals/drums sound really wide. The snare isn't centered. At least it doesn't sound like it. And after listening it to it a few more times.. that crash/ride on the left is really grating.

Pretty wild space rock for high school kids. What do they think of it? What do you think is wrong with it? Sounds like a decent mix for the style of music.

Not sure if that helps at all, but my thoughts.
Yeah, Ill have to agree upon the panning of the drums. Now, I do hear that the bass and snare are centered but the hats/overheads are panned way to far left and right. Plus the kick has no body. I hear click and a slight woof but no boom. The guitar should be panned more and the drums way less. Leave the piano where it is. Also make sure the piano and the bass guitar dont compete for space. Im hearing a little bit of that too. And it almost sounds that the overheads and the snare mic are not in time with each other. I hear the snare then I hear an echo of it in the overheads a split second later.
Thank for the responses, I really appreciate it. I took your advice and this is what I have now... hopefully it's a little better.

oh and by the way, the band thinks its decent but the bass player thinks it sucks, and wants to mix it with me :/.

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