Having metronome troubles


New member
I was in the middle of a session with Cubase 5, when all of a sudden the click track ceased operating properly. It was set to 8/8, but it started only putting out a click every few seconds or so, as though the tempo had been cut down a great deal.

No amount of troubleshooting has produced any results. Does anyone have any idea how this might be fixed?
I've never used the Cubase click thingy seriously, I use a proper metronome or one of those Korg metronomes. They keep perfect time all the time. For £20 or so, it's a bargain :cool:

Plenty listed here: Google (proper links in this url, not a sarcy "Let me Google that for you")
On the other hand, I have used the Cubase metronome for 12 years and never experienced any problem of the sort with it. It's indispensable if you plan on using any of the sync or editing facilities of the program.

As far as the problem goes, have you checked your Tempo track (Ctrl+T)? Maybe it was set to change the tempo for some reason.

Anything beyond that and I do not have an answer for ya.

Cheers :)