Having big trouble trying to record - please help!


New member
Hey everyone!

my band is trying to record a 3 song demo, and (after being forced to switch to recording on my laptop after my band-mates was stolen) we're hit a big problem.
It seems that everything we try to record, it only works for a few seconds before all the audio output turns to white noise. The audio files themselves are fine, and can be exported on a USB and listened to on another computer (actually, we're otherwise we're really happy with the quality).

I'm running the 64-but Reaper on an Acer Aspire laptop with Windows 7. I'm worried that maybe my computer doesn't meet the software demands of our interface (a Mackie Onyx Blackjack, which I'm running with the correct driver installed - we tried different rates to see if that solved it, but none of them made any difference). On their website Mackie say that you need a Pentium 4 processor, whereas my Acer has a Pentium T4500. I was thinking maybe that might have something to do with it.

Has anyone ever had any similar problems with this? If so, did you find out what caused it and how did you fix the problem? I'd really, really appreciate any help!

(p.s. - I'm almost positive it wasn't a problem with the set-up. We asked for help from some older looking guys down in another rehearsal room and lucked out - turns out it was Caribou. The guy who was recording his demo's agreed to come help us for a while, and after trying a whole bunch of things, told us he has no idea what the problem was. Although, the thing is, he strictly only records to analog. He told us nothing was wrong with the set-up other then the laptop, so it must be the laptop or the program.)

(p.p.s - he originally tried to solve it thinking that the USB port from my laptop wasn't giving enough power to the interface to power both it and the headphone monitors. He hooked us up to a headphone amp and the guitar to a head amp to boost the power, but it didn't work. Just in case anyone was about to suggest the same thing!).
Did you try deleting the drivers and reloading them? As you are able to record fine and the files are ok for listening elsewhere, the problem would seem to be somewhere in the output system.