Have YOU used this mic? tell me wha you think


New member
So im just getting into recording myself (hip hop vocals) and my mic came in the mail today. I still need to get an interface before i can record but id like to hear anybodys thoughts on the Audio Technica 4040? things its good for? bad for? etc...
You'll like the 4040, I bet. I don't have any experience with Hip Hop, but I can only imagine it'll work well. Nice mic, IMO. As you probably know, it requires phantom power, but I've been able to power it properly using computer audio interfaces that I know are shy on voltage (e.g., 42 volts instead of 48), so that's nice, too.
Its a great mic...but it depends on if there is rap included with this hiphop because they magnify plosives and spit will ruin the capsule.
Its can help...but eventually some will get through...best to use the biggest one you can find.
the pencil trick will help with the plosives too...you should try a dBx263 for the sssss problems.
1. I understand the definition of a plosive...but am a little ignorant to how to fix that. Is the pencil trick how far to stand from the mic?

2.the sssss problem?? what do you mean?
1. I understand the definition of a plosive...but am a little ignorant to how to fix that. Is the pencil trick how far to stand from the mic?

2.the sssss problem?? what do you mean?

The sssss problem refers to the excessive ssss sounds when a line ends in an s.

Plosives can be tamed by placing a pencil in front of the capsule.