Have USB Midi Keyboard... now what?


New member
I just picked up a Midiman/M-Audio Oxygen8 25-key usb Keyboard from Guitar Center. After loading up the drivers, I dropped it into the crippled version of Reason that comes bundled with it. Pretty rocking, and at least now I know it works! Here's the deal. I already have an old version of Fruity Loops. I am curious if there is any freeware or shareware software that would allow me to do drum/percussion stuff using my keyboard in the same way that Casio keyboards work (ie... one key is the bass drum another is a snare hit, etc...)

Thanks in advance, I hope this is clear! Thanks.
I second that on Reason.
The ReDrum modual will probably do it automaticly(at least it does with my M-Audio Trigger finger set up like a keyboards keys)........

Other wise its just a MIDI Assigning thing which is simple with Reason.
jesterscourt Do you know Reason very well?
The Adapted version is more powerfull than most think it is.

Otherwise go to http://www.kvraudio.com/ for freebees.

blazingstrings said:
I second that on Reason.
The ReDrum modual will probably do it automaticly(at least it does with my M-Audio Trigger finger set up like a keyboards keys)........

Other wise its just a MIDI Assigning thing which is simple with Reason.
jesterscourt Do you know Reason very well?
The Adapted version is more powerfull than most think it is.

Otherwise go to http://www.kvraudio.com/ for freebees.


No, I don't know Reason very well... I have the keyboard installed and can twiddle about with stuff within reason... I tried to set up the redrum module and when i hit the keys it highlights the mute button for individual tracks... I'm totally lost.
An easy way to setup re-drum to let you play the sound from a keyboard is this.

Go up to the top of the program and look through the menus you will find "edit MIDI remote controll" and a "enable remote midi control" or something like that I'm not near my machine.
Enable the midi control and then click the edit remote or map I forget what its says.

You should see a bunch of arrows with numbers assigned to them.
Right click the play button above a sound chanel in Re-drum.
Then you should be able to click on MIDI learn.
hit the key on the Midi controler you want to play that sound.
you should see a little meter on that click menu move for a second.
You key is assigned. do that for the rest.

Sorry if thats confusing I need sleep and a machine Reason on it to make more sense.

