Have anyone heard of the Hammerfall DSP ?


New member
I just need to know if you've heard of the Hammerfall DSP. And what's your opinio ?
Because since readind on this card last night i changed my mind cause i was leaning toward the delta 1010 or layla 24.
Do you think that this card would be able to do what the delta and the layla do ???????????????

Peace out...
Uhhhhmmmm,you guys got me here.
So if i understand hammerfall/Alesis AI-3 works o.k.,Good or Excellent?
If this combo is great I'd rather go with it,because some people say that the upcoming Hammerfall Dsp. is mostly for labtop not for desktop and,since the Hammerfall 9652 and the AI-3 been out and prouved by a lot of people i'm thinking that this may be a good choice for me.
What do you think ?
Thanx for your help...

You are of course referring to the to-be-released Hammerfall PCI-Multiface ? If that's the case we're on the same page here. I ain't buyin nothin till this bad boy hits the streets. As good as old H/F card is combined with Tango 24 or Alesis AI3, this should be even better. I expect to pay 8-900 dollars for card & box.
Cerealchamp2000,is this card suppose to be for Desktop pc too or for labtop only as somepeople say?
I hope that this will come out this month because i realy need a card now i'm ready.

out. Monsieurf
That's just it. You can choose either: PCI for desktop OR PCMCIA for notebook machine. I saw this at NAMM show this year. I have emailed Carsten Matthias at RME just today with some pointed questions on the unit i.e. what will be the compatibility issues with various notebook machines, hard drive solutions etc... I have received back two emails from him on previous stuff so I hope to hear good news.

If you're waiting to port out your notebook this appears to be the only game in town. Early word on MOTU 828 firewire is it works good but there are latency issues. The Hammerfall will overcome latency problems. I'm sitting on about $8,000 so I know that chomping at the bit feeling! Hold out my good friend just a short time longer. Hammerfall DSP will be worth it.
Huuuh,You mean 8000. $ or 800.$ ??
Let me know what rme would say in their reply to your e-mail please.And by the way i need this card for my Desktop PC not a notebook.
My system
P-III 450 320MB

Whew....long day at work. RME emailed me back and the news is good. Hammerfall DSP will ship this month. MSRP should be around $1,000. so expect to pay in the 800's (not thousands!) What I mean is I've saved 8,000 for a new studio. Part of it may go towards a new guitar amp.

Mr. Matthias will supply info on compatibility with different setups. Including various notebook computers. RME is known for running on most anything without problems.

What else......What's your rig including software? What sort of music/gear you got?

Ok. I mean that i call a music store to see if they have it but not yet so they told me that this suppose to be for labtop computer only not for desktop pc
Thanx .
Go to the RME web site and get the real info, www.rme-audio.com. There is also a desk-top version. Many Music store employees are just above min wage and this computer audio stuff is not widely understood by many of them. Also, check out internet suppliers. Often the prices are better, people more knowledgeable, and you can save sales tax from out of state suppliers. Some businesses use "Dash Bar", a separate internet service the will send you a 5% discount check from anything you buy at Musicians Friend or Sam Ash. Use a search engine like "Alltheweb" and enter the product you're interested in. You'll find suppliers and reviews of that product.
Your best in depth knowlege will come from reading reviews and comparing specs at the Manufacturers' sites. Even record data on charts. When things don't make sense after youv'e done your research, ask questions on the forums. There are lots of them. Also share your victories and excitemnt. We all need to be encouraged.
Part of my excitement over the Hammerfall DSP is that I am going to initially purchase the desktop interface (PCI). Then......I may consider purchasing the LAPTOP interface (PCMCIA). I will be sharing the MFace BOB and all software between the units. Now I can track drums, loud guitars and other noisemakers at a remote location and dump it on my desktop at home.
Yes,guys thanx for your help.
I've just receive an e-mail from RME telling me that the DSP got the desktop version too but it's only due last week of april to the first month of may,wich is not very close.And also what do you think about getting first an audio card that has not public opinion yet i mean not been tested by the musiciens yet.
The reason why i'm saying that is because when the core2 of lexicon came out i was one of the first unfortunat to get it if you know the nightmare that i'm talking about here.
What would you advice me to do ?
Thanx a lot

Monsieur A.