Have a listen to my MP3's??


New member
Hi --

These are guitar instrumentals recorded on an Akai DPS-16. Each tune is different, so if you don't like one, you might like one or more of the others.

If you stream the tunes, please choose the MP3 format, since the Real format sounds really awful.

Any feedback would be appreciated!



Great sound. Spacious mixes. Fine guitar tones. Concise arrangements.

You should be proud. You've been doing this for a while I would guess.

However, I find instrumentals get fatiguing after a while, regardless of how good they are (unless they're on an album titled Blow by Blow). You've got a good melodic sense - bring in some vocals.

Great stuff though.
psmith66 --

Thanks alot for your nice comments and encouragement. Yes, I've been playing for a long time, but stopped altogether from 1992-1998. Then, got the digital recording station this year, so it's been 15 years since I've written and recorded anything -- and I'm really enjoying it.

You're right on cue about the vocals. Both the second and fifth tunes were written as vocal songs, but I thought I'd take a stab at them as instrumentals as a challenge. I've never done any pure instrumentals before so I've kind of given myself the license to do whatever comes out. Just working to see what I can get out of myself creatively -- but taking it very seriously.

Thanks for listening!


I know we've been having an ongoing conversation over in the Guitar and Bass forum, but I just wanted to put my 2 cents here too.

I second psmith66 in most of his comments, though as a guitarist who cannot sing worth shit, I have a vested interest in liking instrumentals a lot :)

I'll just repeat what I said in the Guitar and Bass Forum in hopes that others will be inspired to checkout your terrific tunes:

Despite only having had time for a cursory listening to your material, I just have to say:

Wow, great stuff -- I'm impressed. Fine compositional ideas, terrific recording job, terrific guitar tones, excellent playing ("ThroughLine" is very Holdsworthy indeed -- wish I could dance through stuff like that!)... definitely some of the better stuff I've heard from folks on these forums.

I look forward to listening to them all more closely over the next day or so.
