Hats off to Fletcher!!


New member
While researching pricing on mics, I came across Mercenary Audio's answer to Neumann's restraint of trade nonsense. Though I am, as a newbie, completely overwhelmed by the volume of knowledge I have to absorb about both musicality and recording, I am somewhat familiar with good business practices. Being in the wholesale distribution business, I know how suppliers will often attempt to bully their distributors in many devious ways. Most often this is to keep biiiig distributors happy with their market share and profit margins. And for those of you who want to jump to Neumann's defense, though they may make an outstanding product, their attempt to control the resale price, is so big retailer outfits can continue to stick it to YOU. Not to mention that telling anyone how much to resell something they bought and therefore own is ILLEGAL! And while I may not agree 100% with Fletcher all the time, it's nice to see that he always gives an honest, no BS opinion that's based on actual experience. Though I'm not the most experienced in the world of recording, it's gratifying to know that some that are won't just fluff up something becasue it's expensive. Hat's off!
bwalker said:
Wasn't aware it had been discussed in detail... Have pity on a poor newbie?

No stress from me, this is just the type of thread that insites flames quick-style. Much better suited for The Cave, so those of us who want to learn more about mics don't start getting all cranky ;)
c7sus said:
Why is this a "Cave issue"? This is the MIC Forum for cryin' out loud!

With so much emphasis being placed on "price" in this Forum it would seem only natural that discussions of this type take place here, and NOT in the Cave.

I mean, why not move bunyip's thread to the Cave? There's no content in that thread other than some clown claiming his knockoff mic sounds like a U-87. 12 pages of that nonsense.

Did you learn anything about mics in that thread???

I think the BunyFelio thread should have been moved long ago. The useful part ends up being the pics everyone posted of mic internals, too bad they weren't put in a more useful and lower-noise thread.

The last time this subject was discussed it almost immediately turned into and "assholes and nazi's debate". It is not specific to microphones, more a business practice "rah-rah for Fletcher" thread. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself, weather I agree or not, it's just bound to start an arguement.

Hey C7, you wanna fight, you little sparky pinko!? ;)

See it's a brawl now! :p
c7sus said:
I'd like to take this opportunity to set the record straight:

I am now a registered LIBERTARIAN.

I saw their presidential candidates in a debate on C-SPAN last week and registered immediately.

I'm done supporting the backstabbers from either side of the aisle. We need some new backstabbers that have a lot less corporate $$$ behind them.

Word. I really can't argue with that. Even if I could I trust you've done your research and have substantial references to back up your beliefs.

Anyway glad you didn't take the little stab personally, I just figure if the forums are going to have titles, and purposes, that we can all do our best to post to the correct one :)

Now get that political hogwash out of this electromechanical transducer forum before I call the cops on you- crackpot huffer! :p

P.S. The (living) Dead is in town this week, and let's just say we haven't had any rain lately, but it's anything but dry in Colorado right now ;)
BTW- Back on topic, I think...

Aside from being what everyone I've heard seems to agree, a no-bullshit straight up guy professionally (and hopefully I'll have the cash and need to purchase some of the gear you deal in someday), thanks for particpating here Fletcher. Your insight is appreciated.
The Neumann TLM-103 Mic now list for $1299 ($975 at MF, I think). Didn't it use to be around $700 - $800? I wouldn't have paid $700 for one, let alone a grand... Sheesh!:rolleyes:
c7sus said:
I'd like to take this opportunity to set the record straight:

I am now a registered LIBERTARIAN.

I saw their presidential candidates in a debate on C-SPAN last week and registered immediately.

I'm done supporting the backstabbers from either side of the aisle. We need some new backstabbers that have a lot less corporate $$$ behind them.
now you've definitely made it a topic for the cave!
Funny, I didn't think it was a political issue. I thought it was an issue of good business practice. As for "Ass holes" & "Nazis", I know neither of the parties in question. I'm sure that like most people Fletcher CAN be an Asshole at times. So can I. What I DO know is that I have a long history of doing business with suppliers who do nothing to help me grow my own business, even though it's their product I am selling, but seem very interested in keeping ME small so the bigger guys don't have to worry about losing their market share. I DO know that every review you find in musicians friend lacks objectivity and as beginner it would have been nice to get an honest comparison between a Neumann and another mic from someone who didn't have their commision floating in front of their eyes. Truthfully I find some of Fletcher's statements vulgar, but at least they are honest... and that's more than can be said for those MFers. Forgive the diatribe, I guess I just identify with the small businessman too heavily. I have nothing but respect for most people, so I apologize if I seem strident.
bwalker said:
What I DO know is that I have a long history of doing business with suppliers who do nothing to help me grow my own business, even though it's their product I am selling, but seem very interested in keeping ME small so the bigger guys don't have to worry about losing their market share.

I think it's a good and healthy thing for the bigger music chains to retain their market share.

They offer tremendous employment opportunities for the guys who can't cut it in the fast-food industry. :D
chessrock said:
I think it's a good and healthy thing for the bigger music chains to retain their market share.

They offer tremendous employment opportunities for the guys who can't cut it in the fast-food industry. :D

Or Music.
Damn... did I die again... ya know, it's kind of odd reading your own eulogy. Glad I can be of service to some members of the community... can this thread die now? Please?
This should kill it

Hats off to Harper!
