Has anyone heard of a 1964 Carlsbro valve head 100watts?


New member
hey guys i was offered one of these in a swap for my Tom DeLonge guitar was just wondering has anyone any knowledge or experience of them?
i have been told they are very rare and cannot find an awful lot of information on them
Never heard of 'em, but if the model is identified by the maker as "Valve Head," I'd have strong suspicions that it is NOT from 1964. Most amps from that era were valve or tube types, and it would have never occurred to anyone to bally-hoo the fact that a particular amp had tubes.

The cab and knobs certainly look "period," and the white piping normally would, too- but that one sitting on top of an obviously much newer cab, which also has white piping, looks suspect.

There are other ways to determine if it was, indeed, made back then, or at least made from components from then. Transformers have numbers that can be de-coded to determine when they were made, as do speakers (although that one, being a head, won't have speakers.) Caps will either look old- maybe even be leaking and oily- and back then, almost everything was point-to-point wired.

If you are considering the trade for investment/value appreciation purposes, I'd probably pass- odd-brand gear hardly ever brings much cash, even little-known models from better-known makers can languish in value for years, even decades. People are just not willing to take a risk, or if they are, want a big pay-off in exchange for the risk taken.

But, if you are looking for a player, there are lots of sleepers out there- brands and models that are tone machines par excellance' and having/playing one of them can be a real delight.

I see Fender Tom DeLonge Strats bringing as much as $725 on completed eBay auctions- that's Fender Twin Reverb Silverface territory- and as little as about $300. Tom DeLonge Squier- only one- about $175. You don't say which your guitar is, but if it's a Fender, and in excellent condition, I think I would pass on that amp unless it fixes you breakfast and slaps your drummer when he plays too loud.
thanks very much for the very detailed response i was a bit concerned about the amp head as i have very little details about it..my guitar is a Tom DeLonge Epiphone Sig which values at around 575 dollars and i don't play in a regular band so i may take a chance he seems pretty legit plus i can also say no on the day i meet him which is a plus as i may not 100% commited to the sale..he says the valves were changed late last year and the amp is 100%.. i have 3 guitars of which 2 i use (which is the DeLonge sig) and i also have a 2x12 cab i do not use so this amp head may be worth a gamble if it doesn't pay off i can always try cut my loses and try sell the head on