Harmonically rich amp seeks good mic


New member
I'm looking for some mic suggestions, particularly large condensors, for my new amp. It's got the JTM45 trannies, so it's pretty harmonically rich. I'm mostly a clean player, and in my Fender using days, the Shure SM57 did me fine, but now with this new amp I want something that captures the cleans just as nicely, but really gives the harmonically rich overdriven tones justice.

The cab is running a 12" and a 10", so maybe even 2 seperate mics. For different speaker setups on the Fender, I used to run a Beyer M88 and Shure SM57 combo.

I've been recommended the Royer R121 ribbon mic, but I haven't heard of much use for those in a live situation.

The Royer R121 would be cool!On the "cheap" the Baby Bottle is very nice on elect. guits!But also,what else you got for your signal chain?Micpres gonna make quite a difference also!Well it all depends on what you are trying for and what you hear in your "head" ect ...good luck

chessrock said:
Try a large-diaphragm condenser.

I really hope that is some kind of sick joke....

if not....

READ MY POST...I am asking for large diaphragm condenser suggestions.

any experiences w/ the AT4040?
Try the Blue Baby Bottle condenser{good with cleaner guitsIMHO}.. get a variable pad..This mic is on the hot side ..The Royer is a fig8 ribbon and the "spill" of stage volume would make this mic more difficult to use IMO..As for the AT4040 or the AT4033 might be a good alternitive..I've gotten fairly good results with a Cad E-100 also..still pick up a variable pad as live guitars can be on the loud side,especialy when they are on the clean side{transiants}..Good luck

Sorry, great minds think alike, I guess. :D

Never tried the 4040 on electric guitar, but I like their other mics for that purpose -- paricularly the 4033, and the 4050 certainly has it's fans.

But I'll clue ya in on a little secret: There's this mic company that goes by the name 'a B.L.U.E. Acronym for Latvian Universal something or other. :D I've never heard anything on a cleanish-to-slightly-overdrivenish guitar I like better than the Dragonfly. And there's a few others who might tell you the same. I've also talked to people who go all crazy over a Baby Bottle, as Henri Devil so amptly pointed out. I've just always thought that B.L.U.E. kinda' owns the midrange.

As a general rule, though, if you've already got a good LDC that you like to use for vocals, then you might just want to try that first before you go all crazy spending more money on another mic. Chances are, just about any LDC will give you a lot more detail and will highlight the subtle nuances of your amp better than a 57 or similar dynamic.
meriphew said:
What's your budget??? Will this mic be seeing heavy duty road action, or just the ocassional show here and there?

Post indie electronic

Somewhere in the 500 range would be nice. I'm not in some Punk rock band so no heavy duty action, but I will be playing more than 1 time a month.

I'm kind of looking towards the AKG c414 and the AT 4040
If it helps, my 12" is a Tone Tubby which is pretty dark. Seems like the 414's brightness might be a good match.

Also, given the fact that I'm running a 10" and a 12" in the same cabinet, would it be wise to double mic it, or find a nice middle point with one mic?
You want a mega-tight pattern then if you are are going to use a condensor. I would think stage rumble alone would be too much in some circumstances. For live, I say grab a new Sennheiser e609 Silver or a Sennheiser MD-421.
tubedude said:
You want a mega-tight pattern then if you are are going to use a condensor. I would think stage rumble alone would be too much in some circumstances. For live, I say grab a new Sennheiser e609 Silver or a Sennheiser MD-421.

Hmm...WHy wouldnt the c414 work? "Stage Rumble"? Not if the stage is built correctly for one, and not if a shock mount it used properly.

I would think the biggest thing to worry about would be bleed, but given the cardioid pattern, it seems that a close mic'ing situation would be fine.
A BLUE Baby Bottle would prolly do the trick. They go for around $500 with a shockmount/cable/windscreen. I have one that I use on guitar cabs for recording along with a 57.

Post indie electronic
meriphew said:
A BLUE Baby Bottle would prolly do the trick. They go for around $500 with a shockmount/cable/windscreen. I have one that I use on guitar cabs for recording along with a 57.

Post indie electronic

I've never seen these used live. From what I've read from studio users, they say they are quite impractical for live use.
thesedaze said:
I've never seen these used live. From what I've read from studio users, they say they are quite impractical for live use.
Not any more so than any other LD mic. The Shure KSM44 or KSM32 would also be possibilities. I myself wouldn't take a LD mic out on the road to use on an amp. If you don't like 57's - maybe try a Sennheiser 421 or 441.

Post indie electronic