hardcore band i've been tracking.

uhh its charlie

New member
hey everyone,
i'm charlie and this is my first post.
i'm 17 years old working with a yamaha aw4416.
i record bands here and there for pocket change to drive my car, you know.

i'm using sm57s for toms, and micing guitar cabs
a marshall mxl 603S overhead (one in this recording)
a marshall mxlV67 for vocals
andddd a marshall mxl 2001 for bass drum (yeah, a little lame)

sometimes i borrow mics and yadda yadda, but this is the setup i used for this particular recording. i knocked it out quickly for these guys, we've worked 6 hours one day and tracked 5 songs, this one with vocals. tomorrow is all vocals.

i'll post their song before i post any of my stuff, let me know what you think.

alright so the link didnt work, copy and paste it in a browser and open it up
The link worked for me. A few thoughts on the mix. Listening on my monitors it sounds like the cymbals/oh are the loudest thing in the mix besides the vocal (with the cymbals being louder). The snare sound is a little distant/roomy for this style I think. The F-tom? I believe, is panned a little too far right? Its kind of loud compared to the other drums as well.
Guitar definitely needs to come up along with the kick/snare or it might just be easier to bring the cymbals down and work on balancing everything from there. I couldn't pick out a bass but im listening at a lower volume right now.
The vocals have some serious distortion/clipping going on, unless of course you did that on purpose, which im guessing you did.
Didn't really care for the band or the performance. Hope this helps you out.
no problem man. I assumed you posted because you wanted mix feedback. Sorry if I was wrong in that assumption.