Hard rock track...which one of the two is better?


New member
Hey guys ive been doing alot of mixing lately and i have two mixes i like of this song.
Which one do you guys think sounds better?

This version i eqed the guitars more and i cut some out of th ebass at 160 hz and added some in around 50 hz. The kick comes through more but i dont know if i like the bass as much as the other one.

This version has the bass and kick more conflicting at 156-160 hz but i like the thump of the bass more in this one.

Thanks for the help guys.
2nd mix sounds better on my el-cheapie headphones I'm listening through. The first version kick sounded a bit too artificial but it sits well in the mix on the 2nd one. The #2 just sounds more pro for how I'm listening to this...kewl metal goove, BTW.