Hard Rock Mix for a Band, am I doing my job?


New member
These guys are my first hard rock customers since I've been working at a studio in Texas and I'm posting this mp3 to see if you think they got they're moneys worth or if I need to do some work. Feelings won't be hurt I'm doing this to get payed so please give me any and all feedback

PS Yes I have permission to share these files but they're by the Irish Tongues band and they get all artistic credit
Well the vocals and the bass sound great. So no comments there.

The kick has plenty of Oomph, but it could use some click...Maybe a high shelf starting at around 3500hz?

The rhythm guitars sound kind of weak. This might just be a preferential thing, but it sounds like they have a pretty drastic low pass on them somewhere. I generally like my rhythm guitars crunchier and ballsier.

I'm also not a fan of the snare drum. Not the production job, just the snare drum itself, it's kind of weak and pingy for this genre of music.

Other than that, it's a great, clear mix. Everything is audble and in it's place.

Again, it looks like most of the critiques I have are preferential, so if most of what I'm saying you don't agree with, than that's cool haha.
Well the vocals and the bass sound great. So no comments there.

The kick has plenty of Oomph, but it could use some click...Maybe a high shelf starting at around 3500hz?

The rhythm guitars sound kind of weak. This might just be a preferential thing, but it sounds like they have a pretty drastic low pass on them somewhere. I generally like my rhythm guitars crunchier and ballsier.

I'm also not a fan of the snare drum. Not the production job, just the snare drum itself, it's kind of weak and pingy for this genre of music.

Other than that, it's a great, clear mix. Everything is audble and in it's place.

Again, it looks like most of the critiques I have are preferential, so if most of what I'm saying you don't agree with, than that's cool haha.

What you said about the guitars and snare is exactly what I said, but they pick the guitar tone and what drums they're using so that can't be changed. The kick drum I would definitely add more pop to, but the pop sound my mics picked up sound too much like a briefcase being whacked to turn up any more. So yeah i completely agree :) I was mostly worried about the amount of phasing and delay on the main vocal but that's how they wanted it before they left.
What you said about the guitars and snare is exactly what I said, but they pick the guitar tone and what drums they're using so that can't be changed. The kick drum I would definitely add more pop to, but the pop sound my mics picked up sound too much like a briefcase being whacked to turn up any more. So yeah i completely agree :) I was mostly worried about the amount of phasing and delay on the main vocal but that's how they wanted it before they left.

Maybe you can trigger another snare drum sample using drumagog? Or if you don't want to completely replace it you can mix it with the other sample? I think it could really use the added beef of a deeper, larger snare.
Maybe you can trigger another snare drum sample using drumagog? Or if you don't want to completely replace it you can mix it with the other sample? I think it could really use the added beef of a deeper, larger snare.

It's the sound they want (mid 90s 311ish kinda thing) so I can't really change the snare. Just mixed it in there the best I could
It's the sound they want (mid 90s 311ish kinda thing) so I can't really change the snare. Just mixed it in there the best I could

Ahh. I was gonna say, it sounds an awful lot like 311, mainly in terms of production but also slightly in terms of the music.

Anyways, if that's the case, than fair enough. It's definitely a good mix given what you had to work with. I would say good job :)
Hmm.... Here's the breakdown as I see it (and I haven't read any other comments, because I don't want to taint any of my opinions while listening)

1. Drums - probably the weakest link in the recording. Sounds like the drums played didn't really go with the music. This is entirely subjective, but most of the growly angry metal music (e.g. Testament) I've listened to has a bit bigger sounding drums. Not that I'm any sort of standard for mixing drums, but I doubt I could get those drums to sound like they should for this type of music. Maybe the drummer just needs to get a better set. Not sure, but the drums seem to need to be a bit more solid.

2. Guitars - nicely done. I would have had no nits at all, but I listened to Testament's Demonic Refusal right after this, and after that, the guitars you recorded sound just a bit tinny. Give them a bit more meat - more growl. I think this can be done through EQ on this song.

3. Vocals - For me, this was the best recorded part of the song. I liked the FX on the delay, and the growl was well done, too.

4. Bass - sits just fine. Nothing crazy. Does its job and does it well.

Kudos, bro! As one who has paying clients (and has hopes of being a full-time professional audio engineer), I appreciate good feedback, and it seems this place is loaded with it. I hope this feedback helps.
I know if I hired an engineer and he posted a snippet of my song online to get feedback so he could do a better job, I would be INSANE with ANGER!!


I like the guitar tone.
I couldn't really make out any bass specifically, but I guess that's generally the goal with this sort of music. The bass just supports the guitar.
The melodic vocals are a little pitchy in a few spots, but production-wise they sound good.
The crashes sound a little overcompressed. Not audio compressed, but data compressed, like that distortion you get when you go to a too low-quality mp3.

Overall, it's pretty solid. Nice work!
I know if I hired an engineer and he posted a snippet of my song online to get feedback so he could do a better job, I would be INSANE with ANGER!!

With the deal I gave them on this recording they can't complain much lol, but this CD won't be sold in anyway and I'm "encouraged to spread the songs around"