Hard rock mix - first with new monitors


New member
Hey guys, this is a song from my new band, and the first mix I've done before on my new Yamaha HS80m monitors. All the instruments here are real, including the drums. There is some sample augmentation going on, but the samples were all made from the drummer's own kit (except for the kick).

Let me know if you guys have any feedback. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.

I think you should be pretty happy with how this turned out. I don't listen to this style very much, but I really like this song. Lots of good energy.

I'm listening on headphones, so no comments on the mix. Arrangement and performance sound good. Like the ending. Things do get a bit dense at the bridge, or whatever it would be called, with the synth. I can live with it, though.
Sounds pretty good. The bass gtr is a little too prominent. I like hearing the bass, but it's a little too much here. The kick could use more thump and body. Dropping the bass some might help in that regard without you having to do anything else. Toms sound cool. Snare and guitars sound good. Nice and thick mix. Pretty good overall.
once again, gotta agree with greg; the bass is a little too much. In places, the lead vocals get lost in the mix a bit too
Holy shit, this is good!
Lovely thick mix and a nice modern style. Great arrangement and a very good performance there. Keep on keepin' on!
Great work!

Very well done all around.

You could drop the bass a hair, it is masking the lows on the kick a little.

Other than that, cant say its anything but fantastic, great mix, high energy, sounds pro.

Excellent job!
Yeah I thought it was real good too.

I agree that the kick could come up.

To me the guitars are consuming just a bit too space. They're covering the vocals ever so slightly. I also wonder if you could put a bit of sparkle in them. Maybe a little boost around 4K - 5K. Just a thought. Maybe remove a little bit of the low end from them. I think the mix, in general, is a little bottom heavy. Bass and guitars are just a little weighty.

Other than that - real cool.
Yeah I thought it was real good too.

I agree that the kick could come up.

To me the guitars are consuming just a bit too space. They're covering the vocals ever so slightly. I also wonder if you could put a bit of sparkle in them. Maybe a little boost around 4K - 5K. Just a thought. Maybe remove a little bit of the low end from them. I think the mix, in general, is a little bottom heavy. Bass and guitars are just a little weighty.

Other than that - real cool.

Interesting thoughts, I appreciate it. I made some cuts to the low end of the guitars already, Perhaps I will cut them so more. I can also see turning the bass down just a tad. I think bringing the bass down a bit will uncover the kick a little more.

As for the bridge, I'm totally ok with that part being clausterphobic. I'm trying to go for a "wall of sound" effect there.
notch out whatever frequency makes the kick sound good and thumpy. usually its about 100hz for me. you don't need a really tight q, just a big fat scoop.

the hats sound really good. they sit a little too loud in the mix for my taste. with that kind of sparkle, they would still cut thru even at a lower level.

and i would personally make my kick a but more clicky, but thats a matter of personal taste. it happens to work great for this mix to be more of a thump.
I like the mix man, I actually had to turn down the volume when I started listening before I lost my ears. I like the little cooldown part. I think I can partially agree about the kick having a bit more deeper tone, but I'm sure a lot of stereo systems will do that automatically.

I'm attached to the vocals though, it's got that Maynard/Tool with a sense of some other band that I can cannot recall for the sake of me