Hard Rock/Metal tune, Need some fresh ears on this mix.

Those guitars are brutal, and not in the good metal kind of way. They sound thin and harsh and scratchy. That feedback in the intro is awful. Bass gtr is almost invisible. The drums sound decent, but the overheads are a little sizzly and shrill. I think the vocals are a little too on top of the mix. They could settle in better. The whole mix is kind of thin.
Good playing and good singing voice. good lead playing.

I think the guitars have too much gain to them. It makes them a little too sizzly. I think they could stand a stronger low end too.

Bass is tough to hear - it can come up considerably.

The snare is missing power. I'd like a little more low end to it. I want it to smack me in the face and it just gives me a little love tap.

Some double tracking issues with the vocal at 2:14 and again at 2:20.
Good tune man. Definitely a few issues holding back the mix from being sweet. PM sent.

Oh, and welcome to the forum.
thanks all for the input, looks like I have some work to do

The tracks and performance sound fine, but the mix is pretty far off.

The suggestions already mentioned should help.

Re-post when you get a new mix. Good luck, Welcome to HR!
Sounds better.

I like loud vocals but they do sound a bit too forward.

Alot of good rock guys here, that can help more than I can.

Overall sounds better.
Guitar's sound way better. Much fuller. I still think there is a little too much gain on them. But it's down to a difference in personal tastes at that point.

Still think the bass could be a bit stronger, especially in the lower register.

Lead vocal is bone dry and sticks out a bit from the other tracks.

Still think the snare is a little slappy. Still some double tracking issues with the vocal.

You could raise the level of the lead solo by maybe 3dbs or so.

I'm being pretty picky. It's coming along well.