hard drive...space


New member
Tried a search or two, not much luck

I am wondering about which are the better external firewire hardrives and what I should look for...are some better than others for audo recording?

I see 7200 rpm
I see Oxord 911 (not sure what that specifies)

How much space do I need? What is the formula for time recorded = space used.
i have seen 10 mb per minute of stereo.

Any suggestions?
Cant tell you much on the external firewire drives cuz I've never used em. I've always used internal.
An 80 gig drive upwards of 200 gig will be suficient space for audio. And 7200 rpm is well fast enough.
An average 3 min. song at 24 bit will be between 20-30Mb per track.
Build your own!

They are modular units that just consist of a box that accepts an IDE drive and a circuit board in the back that has the Firewire jack and the power jack.

That way you can get it cheaper and match the drive size to the application.