Hammond and Rhodes Sound HELP plse


New member
Hi --

I am looking for a new keyboard or sound modules with great hammond organ and rhodes type sounds. Yet not costing the earth. I'd appreciate your recommendations please...Also, any trade offs re: keyboard vs sound modules w/midi controller.

many thanks
Well, for rhodes sound, you cant beat the General Music, but if I post much more about it, I might get accused of being a plant. If you go to fenderrhodes.com, they agree with me so there. Hammond is another story. I hear the pro2 general music has an ok hammond sound, but the Pro one wasnt all that great so I dont know. The VK7 roland sounds pretty good, as does the Hammond. I havent got a chance to play the new Korg yet, but I hear its good. Having the real thing of both the rhodes and the hammond is best of course, but not everyone can luck into deals like I have.

Check out the General Music pro 2 and see if you can live with the hammond sound..
Thanks for the advice..hadn't come across the general music one before..I will definitiely take a look now.

The Emagic EVP73 and EVP88 software plugins have surprisingly decent electric piano sounds, if you’re interested in going that route.

The Native Instruments B4 does a 'respectable' imitation of a B3, but it’s not nearly as good as the Emagic plugins. Maybe that’s understandable, though, because B3 sounds are probably a lot more complex than Rhodes sounds.

There isn't much difference in getting a full keyboard and going the controller/module route, as long as you have a quality controller. Remember, you can use any synth or keyboard as a controller. So if you can get a good deal on a new or used synth with knobs and sliders, that's better than just getting a controller with a minimul set of sounds on it.
Modules and softsynths are much cheaper than full keyboards and they take up less space.
I personally like the rhodes sound on reason 2.
As far as the organ sound goes, I think it depends on what is important to you and what you already have. I’m not sure if you meant that you want the Rhodes and Hammond sounds to be in the same keyboard.

The Native Instruments B4 would be a good choice if you have a computer and if you don’t care about portability. You’d probably also want some kind of MIDI controller keyboard unless you’re planning on step editing the notes into a sequencer or something. The B4 sounds great and is relatively cheap. I think it costs around $180 (the Plus version is around $230). There is a demo version that you can try out. It also has a leslie effect which is decent.

Personally, my choice would be the Korg CX-3. It is much more expensive at around $1800 or so. But this is a good choice if the playability and keyboard are important to you. The keyboard has an authentic feel to it. The trigger point is very shallow like a real Hammond and it lets you do some of the more percussive things. The keys are rounded to let you do smears better. To me, playing a Hammond organ sound on a synth keyboard or a piano-type controller isn’t as good. The CX-3 also has real drawbars, a good leslie effect, and it’s portable. The sound is one of the best and most authentic.

If you want something in between, consider something by Voce like the V5. This is just a module, but it has real drawbars. I think the V5 got picked for most authentic B3 sound by Keyboard magazine. I don’t think they have a leslie effect, so you’d have to get an extra box for that if you want it. The V5 cost about $700. If you still need something separate and portable like a module, but the V5 cost too much, there is also the Voce Micro B II for $429.

I’ve never heard any Voce product, so I don’t know how they compare to the other stuff. I’m just going by what I’ve read. I have played the Korg CX-3 and the NI B4. They both sound great and it’s hard to pick one over the other on sound alone because I didn’t play them at the same time.
Ive heard good things about the korg, I think I need to make a point to go play with one. I am damn sure not going to haul my C3 anyware, it weighs in at 600 pounds or so, and since I have lost my mind and started another band, I might need to get a portable hammond of some sort. anybody know if GC or mars carrys it in stock?

Your right about the keys, it makes a big differance. Also, whatever you get, make sure you get a volume pedal. It is impossible to play a good hammond part without one.

If you need a more authentic lesie than what comes on your board, go with the motion sound r3-147. Your sound man will love you for it.
Yeah, I would agree. If you can afford it the electro is the way to go. Wait another month or two till the electro 2 comes out and it'll be much cheaper.
I havent got a music computer set up yet..I am still using just my 16track hard disk recorder. I wouldn't mind a sound module and controller keyboard if it made sense though. Otherwise a normal keyboard would do fine...though 6o something keys is more than I need. Really what I want from a cound module or 2, or a keyboard, are two great sounds...the hammond and a good electric piano/rhodes sound. I dont care about all the other great synth stuff. ANd ideally something that I do not need to go on a training course to learn how to use.

Sounds like there are quite a few options!