Hamburg, 4047, MXL V67


New member
I'm thinking of buying one more mic before I stop buying mics for a while. :eek:

One of the mics I now own is the MXL V67. In some ways it is flattering on my voice and gives it a nice, full sound. On my voice, this is a good thing for some songs. And it's decent value for what I paid for it.

But it also sounds a bit wooly, unclear, and, for lack of a better word, constipated sometimes.

I'm wondering whether one of the other two mics I mention in the title (ADK Hamburg, AT 4047) might be improvements which share some of the sonic characteristics that I find desirable in the V67.

Any thoughts?
The current ADK Hamburg (a newer version is in the works) is probably a step-up from the V67, but since you can find AT4047s on the 'bay for ~$350, it's a no-brainer IMHO. I finally bought an AT4050 after owning and modifying several Chinese LDCs and now what's left of my Chinese mics are for sale.
hognogger said:
I'm thinking of buying one more mic before I stop buying mics for a while. :eek:
Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:

I had an AT4047 for a while and liked it a lot. Of the mics you narrowed it down to, I'd get the 4047.

Good luck!
Flatpicker said:
I finally bought an AT4050 after owning and modifying several Chinese LDCs and now what's left of my Chinese mics are for sale.

Same thing sort of happened to me after getting into the Audio-Technica 40 series. :)
The AT4047 is going to be a huge step up from the MXL mic. It is very clear, but is a bit less bright than most mics, especially budget mics. It gives a cool "vintage" vibe, but at the same time remains modern and clear. Don't know if that makes any sense or not.

The AT4047 won't be the only mic you ever need but you probably will never sell it. It was my first step up from at SP C1 back in the day...big step!
Never heard the Hamburg. I had a V67 which I felt sounded real close to my sp C-1. I opted to sell the V67 (it was brand new and seemed more sellable than the C-1) I recently got the 4047 and love it! It's very full sounding, and definitely not as bright as the 67. I think the 4047 would be a great choice and go real nice with your 67.
Another endorsement for the 4047 here. It's the bee's balls.

If that's out of your price range, try the 4040. It's a steal.

You wouldn't be disappointed with the Hamburg either. I tried one and liked it. But the 4047 is a similar style of sound. But higher quality.

Stay away from the C1. Bleh.
Markd102 said:

Don't buy anything till you've tried the V67 with the Sebatron.

Good point. My current preamp is a DMP3, and it would be smart not to worry about mics until I see what mileage I can get out of my current ones with the new preamp.
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