Hamas Attack

The reality is Hamas needs to be eliminated - they are the source of the problems between Israel and Palestine - then the Netanyahu government needs to go away - they are the source of tensions between Israel and Palestine - they cause 85% the problems between the countries -
As long as there’s an occupation, it’s not going to matter who’s leading Israel, and another Hamas will form.
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brassplyer said:
Christianity, Judaism, Islam don't hold men's rights as of primary importance - the Constitution does.
Christianity holds men's duties towards others as a primary objective. Would you dispute that as being even more important?
You're reinforcing my point - no I don't hold "duty" to others as a primary or even a valid concept. That's the same as saying you have a duty to the collective comrade - it implies others have a greater claim on your life than you do. One might take on a commitment to others by voluntary agreement or choose to assist others but you have no duty to do so.
As long as there’s an occupation, it’s not going to matter who’s leading Israel, and another Hamas will form.
Not likely - and Israel with a new government can divest itself with the human rights dilemma they are facing - it's not that complicated - except the current government throws
a wrench in everything just cause they can.
You're reinforcing my point - no I don't hold "duty" to others as a primary or even a valid concept. That's the same as saying you have a duty to the collective comrade - it implies others have a greater claim on your life than you do. One might take on a commitment to others by voluntary agreement or choose to assist others but you have no duty to do so.
One might take on a commitment to others by voluntary agreement or choose to assist others but you have no duty to do so.
Then do we not have a duty towards others to respect their rights?
brassplyer said:
One might take on a commitment to others by voluntary agreement or choose to assist others but you have no duty to do so.
Then do we not have a duty towards others to respect their rights?
"Duty" is the wrong word.

It's a choice between living in a civilized society or living in barbarism - the only rational choice is a society where rights are respected.

Here's a good article.

So basically survival of the fittest. The biggest , the badest.
You assholes are annoying dangerous punks and we're just trying live a peaceful life while treating you and
"your kind" as lower class humans.
Then you attack us and kill innocents.
Well then the only answer is genocide of all of ya's because we ain't sleeping with one eye open for the rest of our lives.. makes sense.
I haven’t seen any swastikas at pro-Palestinian demonstrations here, but that’s pretty shitty.

However, you said “Now you have Palestinian/Hamas supporters” as if all Palestinians are Hamas. I have no malice towards Jewish people whatsoever, but I do believe the occupation is illegal. This talk of leveling Gaza, and demonizing democrats for suggesting that Palestinians should have the right to life and liberty etc is disturbing. It’s really the same as holding up a nazi flag. You’re calling for the subjugation of a race of people.

What Hamas did was evil, full stop. I’m good with wiping out Hamas. I’m not sure how Hamas can ethically fight an occupation though to be honest, especially when it’s backed by the world’s superpowers. Better to be a victim than to become as evil as your opponent I suppose. Turn the other cheek and all that. Sucks for them.

You guys want your guns to fight tyranny, yet you cheer on tyranny being committed against someone else. Imagine the Mexican military trying to annex Texas back, and there being no US military to stop it. Imagine a Texan being thrown out of his home and having a Mexican family move in. Picture that scenario and tell me how it ends. You don’t think some gangs of Texans would form and do some horrible things? Not excusing it, but it’s basically inevitable, and has a clear cause.

Again, Hamas (not Palestinians) can go to hell. They gave away their claim to the moral high ground. Israel and the UN, supported by the US, started this though. Israel needs to admit they are occupiers, and make a plan to restore the land to the Palestinian people, and beg/pay for a piece of it, not take it through genocide.

Edited to fix spelling

Have you ever heard of an effort by Palestinians to get rid of Hamas/Hezbollah? Anything to indicate they don't support them, any pleas for help to get rid of them?

Cheering by Muslims in various places over attacks on Israel don't indicate to you widespread support?
Uh... did you ever hear of German's trying to do anything to get rid of their Nazi government? Anything to indicate that they didn't support them? Any pleas for help to get rid of them? Dude... do you hear lots of Russians talking smack about Putin? No? Do you think it might have anything to do with giving yourself a Death Sentence?
I am pro-human. I just want to pray for peace and prosperity for all God's children and I applaud this website and the hosts for allowing free speech, which is becoming a rarity these days. I hope people will keep it civil. The key to solving these problems is speaking and acting always in 'good faith'. I'm staying out of it, I'm just here for recording help, but it certainly doesn't bother me that people want to discuss these issues.
I am pro-human. I just want to pray for peace and prosperity for all God's children and I applaud this website and the hosts for allowing free speech, which is becoming a rarity these days. I hope people will keep it civil. The key to solving these problems is speaking and acting always in 'good faith'. I'm staying out of it, I'm just here for recording help, but it certainly doesn't bother me that people want to discuss these issues.

I’m relieved this thread has stayed remarkably civil. The same cannot be said for these discussions elsewhere.
Uh... did you ever hear of German's trying to do anything to get rid of their Nazi government? Anything to indicate that they didn't support them? Any pleas for help to get rid of them? Dude... do you hear lots of Russians talking smack about Putin? No? Do you think it might have anything to do with giving yourself a Death Sentence?
Apparently you're not aware that Hitler was extremely popular among the majority of Germans - time for you to brush up on the history you slept through. Eventually it became apparent to some among his high command that he wasn't playing with a full deck and was leading them into disaster, they made a half-assed attempt to take him out and botched it. There was a movie made about it - Valkyrie - with Tom Cruise shoehorned into the role as the only German with an American accent while all the other Germans had English accents.

The dynamics of Gaza are nothing like Nazi Germany and the population of the Gaza strip is much more homogenous than Germany was.

50 IQ points deducted for your use of "dude".
I am pro-human. I just want to pray for peace and prosperity for all God's children and I applaud this website and the hosts for allowing free speech, which is becoming a rarity these days. I hope people will keep it civil. The key to solving these problems is speaking and acting always in 'good faith'. I'm staying out of it, I'm just here for recording help, but it certainly doesn't bother me that people want to discuss these issues.
Embracing "God" is the cause of the problem in the first place.
brassplyer said:
Embracing "God" is the cause of the problem in the first place.
I tend to agree with you in the sense that I think you mean.

But I consider that some people's definition of God may not be anything close to how you conceive of that term.
People's notion of "God", what they think they should do, are entitled to in the name of this "God" is all over the map.

The Crusades and accompanying slaughter were in the name of "God". England's monarchs have their roots in their supposed "divine right". The Inquisitions, persecution of scientists like Galileo who sought to expand mankind's knowledge, suppression of human rights in the Arab world, the Salem Witch Trials all in the name of "God".

Jews believe they're "God's chosen people" and are entitled to that particular plot of land, others despise them - all due to conflicting notions of "God".
I am pro-human. I just want to pray for peace and prosperity for all God's children and I applaud this website and the hosts for allowing free speech, which is becoming a rarity these days. I hope people will keep it civil. The key to solving these problems is speaking and acting always in 'good faith'. I'm staying out of it, I'm just here for recording help, but it certainly doesn't bother me that people want to discuss these issues.
I am just hoping they all kill each other, problem solved.
Embracing "God" is the cause of the problem in the first place.
I don't think embracing "God" as an individual understands him / it whatever God is to them is a bad thing. It's when one or more people try to impose that idea stream onto others, judge others, kill others because they aren't on the same team, the same train of thought.

I know there is more going on here than we are capable of understanding. The energy within each of us is real ( or at least we think it is) Be it just the psychosomatic effect of belief in a power greater than myself or "real" I can't say. I know throughout my life I have had experiences that seem beyond this world. I was able to overcome drug addiction and other obstacles by asking for beyond this dimension assistance and guidance. Crazy coincidences I call "God winks"...yeah dumbass I'm here. So I feel extremely confident that when I exit this stage, I'll be going to a new one with not a clue of what that might be other than this one sure wasn't bad so I'm hoping for an equally fun chapter in the existence of "me". That's just my take on all of this thing we call life and I sure am not going to get pissed or kill you if you don't agree with me.

That's where embracing a particular religion staunchly, imposing that religion on others to save them because you care about them and don't want them to burn in hell for eternity becomes a problem. Team religions. NO! My way is the only way, you're headed down the wrong path...You really need to listen to me......and from that we have this war going on right now where 1,000's of people who really don't care all that much either way are getting squished like bugs........religions good and bad I define these terms quite clear no doubt somehow.

I am a Irish Catholic / Russian Jew...Raised Catholic with a ton of Jewish relatives. Early on in Catholic school I had a hard time accepting that all my Jewish relatives weren't going to be able to make it to "heaven". Then when I asked Sister Mary Ellen where God came from and she threw me under the ol...that is the Devine mystery bus I started having my Doubting Thomas doubts...By the time I was 18 I was agnostic....and wrote a really cool poem about my stance.... It's long so I won't bore you with it here but I also wrote this short one...that I posted early on in this thread.....Sums up what I have said above pretty much.

Well that's what they call you
That's your name where I was born

Where are we going?
Where do we go when we die from here?

Crazy people
Fighting n dying and killing all over the world
Why do they do it?
Are they insane?
No no they do it your name

They all say they know where they are going
But I'm not so sure they do
Like blind men at a roulette table
They lay their lives out on a handful of rules
Are they doing the right thing
Or tell me Lord. tell me
Are they fools?
Religions are clubs we choose to join to help us deal with the Divine Mystery ..How did all this come to be? What happens to the "me" inside me when I die? Do I get to see the loved ones that have passed before me again after I die?
Hey don't worry you were born into the right club, we're the chosen ones don't sweat it. Here read this book this one special guy wrote who actually got to talk with God. God told him everything and how we are supposed to live. Trust me it's true, just follow the rules and you're golden....
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