Hail to the King!


New member
Avenged sevenfold's new album is out and number one in itunes in the us and third here in england wahooooo!
I like it quite a lot, not my favourite album by them but it does have some very good songs.
What do other fans think?
OR what do metallica/zeppelin/sabbath fans think of it considering they were some of the main influences for the album? I haven't listened to the latter two bands so much but I can certainly here metallica in the album, especially in the verses of this means war.
Compared to a normal band this album is amazing but compared to avenged sevenfold I have to say it isn't amazing for me, lacks a certain something which I can't pin point.
I come on here and see 3 replies so I'm excited but 6 of the 12 words altogether in the 3 posts are "no" :(