H4n - Question on 4CH Mode


New member
I want to use 4CH mode and record my acoustic guitar using the built-in mics, and then plug in a condenser mic into INPUT 1 and record vocals at the same time. INPUT 2 will not be used.

Is there a way I can pan the signal from INPUT 1 to BOTH left and right channels in the second WAV file? Because it looks like if I do this, the vocal will only be in the left channel. Or the only way is the edit the files after by copying the left channel to the right as well and then mix it after? Is there a way to do this without editing?
You don't need two channels/tracks for one source. If you can, transfer just the one mono track with the vocal to a mono file. If you have to transfer stereo pairs then convert it to a mono file after the fact. There's any number of ways to accomplish that.
I have a H4n as well and haven't found a way to turn the 4CH into 3CH like you want! It would be a useful feature to have but it's easy enough to sort out after. As was said above, just convert it mono instead of copying it to the other speaker in stereo. Use a program like audacity and load the input WAV into it. It'll give two tracks in stereo and you can select to split them into mono. After that just delete the silent one (which is from the unused second input). This will fix it so that the input 1 is being played through both speakers. It doesn't take any time at all really and I've found it quite useful to import the files into the computer because you can fix any differences in the volume between the H4n mics and the input (as well as spreading the input across both speakers of course).